HBO has just issued this press release reguarding the normal HBO Sunday schedule conflicting with the Super Bowl:
With the Super Bowl scheduled for next Sunday, Feb. 3, your readers may be interested to know that this week’s episodes of GIRLS and ENLIGHTENED will have a one-time-only debut presentation the day before, on Saturday, Feb. 2.
The next episode of GIRLS debuts SATURDAY, FEB. 2 (10:05-10:35 p.m. ET/PT), followed immediately by the debut of the next episode of ENLIGHTENED (10:35-11:05 p.m. ET/PT). Both shows can also be seen at their usual time on Sunday, Feb. 3.
In addition, both upcoming episodes are available now on HBO GO and HBO On Demand, and will remain on the HBO GO service throughout the week, and will also be available on select affiliateportals. Viewers can access HBO GO from their desktop ( or via the HBO GO app – now available for download on Apple’s iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, select Android™ devices, Xbox 360, Samsung Smart TVs™, Roku and Kindle Fire.
In case you didn’t actually read through the above: Girls and Enlightened will still play on Sunday night as well. So save some mini-tacos and lil’ smokies for the evening festivities if the Super Bowl isn’t going into overtime. Oh and apparently the episodes are AVAILABLE NOW on HBOGo and OnDemand! Grab your iPad or kindle or any of those other devices listed up there and get to watching!
Will you be tuning in early or can you wait until Sunday night for your normal viewing schedule?
Go Niners! West-coast! Leave your friendly hate mail in the comments below.
1 comment
I’ll have to catch the comedy shows on HBOGO this week. There is too much revelry going on otherwise.
As for the Superbowl – I don’t care which team wins as long it is a close and exciting matchup.