Home » This Just In: Fox News Slams THE NEWSROOM

This Just In: Fox News Slams THE NEWSROOM

by Jef Dinsmore
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I just thought I’d throw something different out there – take it or leave it. FOX News, who takes the Conservative side of the news, is slamming Aaron Sorkin’s THE NEWSROOM. The show The Five ’s co-host Greg Gutfeld dissected the upcoming Season 2 in 4:08. He, of course, doesn’t like the Liberal screed being touted in the series and so finds the need to tell viewers what is wrong about it. Then he opens it up to others on the panel. As for me, I don’t give a crap about what this roundtable says and it has nothing to do with my political affiliation. It has more to do with the fact that it is just a TV show that rehashes recent political history in an entertaining and thought provoking style. Anyway, do you agree that THE NEWSROOM is a “Liberal fantasy”, as he calls it, or do you care or does it matter?

So, take a look for yourself and chalk up this post as just something a bit different from what we usually report.

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Liz D July 14, 2013 - 6:08 pm

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but what in the world does his being in Dumb & Dumber have to do with anything? Do they think that his playing that role as an ACTOR…will make us convinced that he actually is dumb?? I’m not convinced. Also, if we can have so many people playing real roles in politics stating extremist and far fetched views, then why bother wasting your time critiquing the politics of a tv show made for entertainment???

Daniel R July 10, 2013 - 7:41 pm

Yes, The Newsroom re-visits events in our recent history, weaves them onto outstanding dialogue delivered flawlessly by amazing actors and presents them in such a way that all the elements become a magnificent program, Any dialogue that is the product of a writer’s imagination and manipulation of language is by definition a Fantasy. In that the people at Fox News are correct.

What the people at Fox News fail to point out is that the outcomes of the real events used in the story were not changed or altered in any way to “help” the story along. History stayed just as it was written.

Can the people at Fox make the same claims? They change facts and manipulate the reality to “help” their agenda along, many times having been proven to have not only manipulated the facts, but of outright lying. Which is the biggest danger then? The fantasy presented and sold as such or the one that is presented and sold as the truth?

Jen Larsen June 26, 2013 - 8:45 am

Love “Newsroom” Thank you for speaking the truth!!

Deb June 23, 2013 - 6:15 pm

Fox news has more fantasy reporting than anybody

Deb June 23, 2013 - 6:13 pm

Tea Party does behave like the Taliban. I said that before The Newsroom had

I think you're doomed :( June 20, 2013 - 1:49 pm

Scary. I like how the “lack of hygiene” comment about the ‘Arab Spring’ was giggled at by whatever the dickhead host of this segment is called. It is truly scary that this “news” channel is part of the mainstream in the US.

Les C June 17, 2013 - 10:02 pm

I think the larger point Gutfeld was making was HBO, and virtually all entertainment media, fashions it’s entertainment in an intentionally propagandist way. Is the show entertaining? I say yes. Does it blatantly, as well as subliminally put the only the liberal side of the debate forward? I say obviously. HBO is in the business of indoctrination. The revenues generated from subscriptions is secondary.

Jojocotto June 18, 2013 - 9:08 am

The definition of advertising and broadcasting is synonymous with propaganda. Media contains themes, ideas and viewpoints that are projected to the public. However to suggest that HBO and all media are primarily in the business of indoctrination is ludicrous and paranoid. I have zero patience for this kind of uninformed media conspiracy propaganda theory you’re pushing.

J. Ross June 18, 2013 - 4:29 pm

I’m not beyond a good conspiratorial thought every once in a while. I quite enjoy them actually. I would be interested in hearing the rationale behind the statement: “HBO is in the business of indoctrination. The revenues generated from subscriptions is secondary.” Being very interested in HBO specifically for much of my entertainment I’d like to converse about how revenue is secondary.
I’m a fiscal conservative that works for a sizable non-profit (I work in development). I’d like to think that this show can exist on several levels with its plots, characters, and viewpoints. I like to think most people do too.

Danny G June 20, 2013 - 5:05 pm

After watching the whole first season, all I can say is that I found nothing subliminal nor any atempt to indoctrinate in any of those segments simply because they were related mostly to actual facts,
and showing the Republican bad faith and hate in cooperating
with a President and Senate that worked for the benefit of the American people, but not the Republican majority in Congress that stamped a big NO on everything that the President proposed !
To summarize , there is a lot of good information emanating from this show, including real, not fake news like those coming from Fox News.

Elton Edgar June 16, 2013 - 11:42 pm

Weird. I’ve always thought Fox News was conservative fantasy.

Sandie LeBlanc June 16, 2013 - 10:53 am

I’m with you Jef. I love the show, the characters and the storyline. Why over analyze it? Enjoy it and if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Sheesh! It’s a TV show not a conspiracy………just sayin’…….

Jacob Klein June 16, 2013 - 9:39 am

Added a link to our piece on Aaron Sorkin calling The Newsroom “fantasy”. It’s funny though, I think The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are more or less “fantasy” or “not real” but at the same time they DESTROY crazy conservative arguments on a daily basis. Just because you use metaphor or comedy or drama to make a point doesn’t mean it isn’t valid. I don’t think ART really works at all if this is the case.

NEWSFLASH: Game of Thrones is fantasy! Does that mean you can take no lessons from it? Does it not make any valid critiques on society? Of course not. The Newsroom isn’t a documentary from PBS or BBC, no. But it does hit the nail on the head multiple times a season.

Tamara Winfrey June 16, 2013 - 8:59 am

I don’t find The Newsroom a liberal fantasy so much as I find it Aaron Sorkin run amok without an editor. Jeff Daniels’ character is just not likable. I don’t care about any of the relationships, and there is a mean-spirited feel to the overall show that I just didn’t get in other Sorkin works. Sorkin wants to re-write history in a way that makes his characters look smarter than everyone else, and it’s irritating. Also OWS was NOTHING like Arab Spring and if anyone should be offended, the OWS people should be.


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