EXCLUSIVE: Leading Game of Thrones actor and Emmy winner Peter Dinklage will not return to HBO’s flagship program for a fourth season in 2014. In a press conference the morning of April 1st, 2013 show creators David Benioff, Dan Weiss alongside George R.R. Martin made the announcement to stunned members of the media.
“Today is both a sad day and an exciting one for HBO’s Game of Thrones,” Benioff began. “Sad because we’ve all gotten to know Peter on set and love him dearly as a friend. We’ll miss him sorely. Exciting because we’re heading in an entirely new direction with the character of Tyrion Lannister for season 4.”
Members of the press began to stir and murmur in anticipation of what the show creators, who had seemed so stable and reliable up until this moment, had to say next. Producer Dan Weiss continued the explanation adding, “It was a unanimous decision between David, myself, Peter and George. We want to take Tyrion in a more comedic, farcical direction and everyone including Peter agreed that he just wasn’t the man for the job. I’ll let the other guys speak for themselves but for me the choice was as clear as a crystal crown. Warwick Davis will be our new Tyrion Lannister!”
Just then Warwick Davis, a British comedian best known for his roles in Star Wars, Harry Potter and the HBO comedy Life’s Too Short, stepped into the room to flashing cameras and even more commotion from members of the press. Warwick then took a seat next to Martin.
When asked whether he approved of this decision, George R.R Martin responded enthusiastically:
“Warwick was actually my pick back in 2009 when we first began looking at potential cast members. It finally hit me last week while taking an indefinite break from writing The Winds of Winter to catch up on some of my favorite movies. I think it was his epic role in Willow that finally convinced me. Such wit. Such… tenderness.”
Warwick has reportedly asked for 1 million dollars per episode, amounting to nearly 20 percent of the show’s 50 million dollar per season budget. “We felt that Warwick’s experience and star power was well worth the investment,” Weiss said. “We’ll be seeing a lot less of the dragons and direwovlves due to the new budgeting that will have to be done to compensate. But in the end it’s a small price to pay for this kind of acting gravitas.”
The producers also noted that, in an effort to maintain continuity, Warwick Davis’ face will be digitally transposed over Mr. Dinklage’s in all future releases of Game of Thrones on DVD and Blu-Ray.
At this point many members of the media began to shout out pertinent questions such as “How does Peter feel about all this?” and “Are you fuc@!n6 serious right now?” but the Game of Thrones show-runners were already on their way out the door, waving and patting each other on the back as they went.
Peter Dinklage himself could not be reached for comment in a recent interview the actor expressed feeling anxious about devoting so much time to a single project:
“I’ll tell you true.. Game of Thrones has been a wonderful experience all around, certainly. But I do wonder if I’m not limiting myself in some ways. I recently had to turn down a part playing Kelly’s newest love interest on The Big Bang Theory. I love that show! It killed me to have to turn it down.”
This reporter, for one, stands in shock and awe at the decision handed down this, the first day of April. Today was supposed to be a great day for Game of Thrones fans with season 3 kicking off last night and an almost assured announcement regarding a fourth season. I suppose we should all just take a deep breath and trust in the wisdom of the producers and creators that brought us this wonderful show in the first place.
We’ll update this piece when we know more about the fate of Tyrion Lannister.
Goodbye, Peter.
UPDATE: April Fools!
I know, I know this was one of the cruelest jokes anyone could have played on the first of April.. and just hours after the season 3 premiere! Everyone would be devastated if something happened to Peter and his relationship with Tyrion Lannister. To be fair we did give you some hints along the way (give it a re-read if you were fooled!). Though we understand that many of you couldn’t get past the headline without tears of rage/sadness filling your eyes leaving you unable to read and/or think straight.
We apologize for any hurt feelings, friends lost or keyboards/monitors smashed as the result of our little April fools gag. We know most of you took it in stride. Rest assured that Game of Thrones will premiere next year airing around the same time as last year’s start and you’ll be watching it online with HBO GO as easily as ever. You can even stream Game of Thrones for free online with HBO Now, these days.
We felt like trolls all day but we hope the majority of our readers had a good little laugh. We promise we won’t ever do this again… on our honor as Lannisters. Until next year…
This was terrible!!! I was ready to write a formal letter of complaint to HBO regarding the folly that would be replacing Peter Dinklage. Well played, HBO, well played.
it got me man i was pissed off seeing as hes one of the best characters lol
best april fools ever!!! Im glad i didnt stop reading!! I was sooo pissed!!!!
I thought I smelled chocolate fish.
LOL…. thank god though
thank God ..I would have stopped watching if he left !!!!
A very very wrong decision. That man was the most awesome part of the show. You had to change the scenario to fit him, not change him to fit the scenario. I even doubt I will like season 4 :|
Reeeeeeeead the article not the headline.
What a fucking joke…“We’ll be seeing a lot less of the dragons and direwovlves due to the new budgeting that will have to be done to compensate. But in the end it’s a small price to pay for this kind of acting gravitas.” WHAT BULLSHIT IS THIS!..So because fat santa director wasnt happy about a character they are paying a shit ton of money for someone who is basically doing the same job only more shit….I’ll just stick to the books, cause clearly these fucking people dont know what we want out of the series.
Are you sure you actually know how to read? I suggest you go back and try the article again…especially the part about April Fools.
Are you retarded?
you utter basterds i was going to stop watching it there and then, how fucking cruel
Ha!! Good one. When I read this I was hoping it was an Aprils Fool joke…Whew.
For a moment I died :D
I hope its trully a joke… Peter is the best actor and caracter of GoT.
Damn…. fell for that one :(
Are there people who actually believed that GoT would replace Peter Dinklage?
thank god its a joke the show would not be the same
Wonder if they got inspired by the latest seasons of Family Guy for bad jokes.
I think the owners of HBO need to be charged with cruel and unusual punishment for making us wait a full week between episodes. I liked the old days, when a series took place, and it was one night after the next, until the series was over.
Haha, good one
A lot of work into a bogus article but not really very funny, people do things just as stupid as the above report.
George Lucas – Star wars prequels – ja ja binks
need I say more
and now they have sold it to disney who plan to make more star wars movies
So if you really really want something funny watch this:
not cool dude…
OMG!!! I was so upset!!! I was OH NO it’s all down hill from here!!!
Thats just sick. Sick. Sick.
This… was… well done!!! I was reading this with my jaw dropped, asking the same question over and over in my head… “WHA-HUH?”
My god i almost started a protest and declare that the end of the show came with the 3rd season i stopped reading 1/2 way in to go start a rant on facebook about i came back and finished it for more info.. That was a good one ill give u that
AHhhhh, this is a cruel jape! I almost just died of dispare.
Why are people talking about the big bang theory?
Bloody Hell ..that was just too cruel
I nearly died omfg
I was getting upset until I realized it was April 1st.
Jesus! I just about shat myself reading this
As someone who has read all the books this is unbelievable, Peter was perfect for tyrion. This is disturbing
omg I totally fell for this
April fools’ day!
Gosh, most of the people here are real smart! They actually figured out it’s an APRIL FOOL joke!
It took me a long time to figure it out. But then I ain’t as smart as all the folks here that said “HA HA! NICE TRY, HBO! I KNOW IT”S APRIL FOOL!”
Wish I could be smart as some of these folks! Maybe that’s why I don’t get most of the weird stuff in “Game of Throwns”.
Dont fucking do it , better be a joke….
If you had actually read it, the article said “APRIL FOOLS”
today’s april fools day…..
How did you figgur this out so fast? I’m just slow I guess.
So, does this kind of twist in the story mean the remaining Starks will go search for the Dragon Balls in Season 5 to bring back Ned?
okay seriously for a few seconds they had me going.I was pissed and about to throw something across the room lmao..I love Peter Dinklage and Tyrion’s character. I would have been heartbroken if they recast him! Happy April Fool’s day people.
ok I’ll be a good sport about it this time, but in the spirit of all Game of Thrones fans just let me say, Don’t you ever pull that s@$* again!
don’t ever scare the fans like that again!
fricking hysterical!!!
One of the better jokes I’ve read today! :) Best line in the article: “But in the end it’s a small price to pay for this kind of acting gravitas.”
I had to stop and look for something that said april fools after I read “but for me the choice was as clear as a crystal crown. Warwick Davis will be our new Tyrion Lannister!” I just couldn’t take too much more of that BS lol
Anyone who has read the game of thrones series knows that this is a joke. No where does Tyrion become comical and farcical in the books. Also this line “The producers also noted that, in an effort to maintain continuity, Warwick Davis’ face will be digitally transposed over Mr. Dinklage’s in all future releases of Game of Thrones on DVD and Blu-Ray.” is complete crap
Look at the CALENDAR people.
I did! That girl for April is a hottie!
Arrested Development is a smart show about dumb people.
Big Bang Theory is a retarded show about smart people.
I am as Outraged
! as I was when Ned Stark died. I will STOP watching this show and tell others unless you like being disappointed do the same.
the fury that rose within me…
Ha ha as bad and annoying as it would be it would be hilarious if this was true and the april fooled everyone by pretending it was an april fool
I was about to cry! He’s one of my favorite characters!
oh you bastards! That was NOT COOL!! But also: LOL =D
ETA: Okay you got me. I just got up. That was so mean. I hate you all. :P
Warwick Davis just killed himself
Not funny… Almost killed myself…..
Peter is the best part of the show. AND they are gonna give the new guys 1 mil per episode??!!! Big Bang theory ??? WTF?
i hope this is a freaking april fools joke
Mini heart atack
April Fool?
Sad – he was one of the best cast actors in the series.
nooooooooooooooooooo! this has to be an April Fools joke?!?!
” It finally hit me last week while taking an indefinite break from writing The Winds of Winter to catch up on some of my favorite movies.”
Thats the real April Fools Joke…I hope… -__-
Well, thank goodness this was not true.
As Washington DC’s tutoring team, we all love the show!
Yeah, I knew this a long time ago. This Dinklage guy has been practising his ice skating under my tutelage, as well as picking up some expertise at stick-handling and body checkin’. – my specialties.
He’s gonna be a secret weapon for the New York Rangers in the 2014 season. He’ll skate BETWEEN the defenseman’s legs when he goes in on goal, and, if happens to hit one, well, there goes that guy’s knees for the rest of the season! THIS is my kind of hockey player.
He might have a hard time slammin’ their heads in the boards- Heh heh – at least while they’re still standing!
I’m glad to see he ain’t in that “Game of Throwns” show anyhow? What’s he doin’ in a sissy show like that? They can’t even talk proper English! Ha! Just like most of the common taters here can’t even type it properly!
You know it is a joke cause the even mention in the article that it is April first…..oh they got me good, I had a big WTF moment going on.
Well played HBO… Well played…
Hilarious! Also the BBT is a terrible show and anyone who likes it is drooling moron who is contributing to the decline of america
I had a good chuckle over this one! Well done!
… If this is true, then I will stop watching Game of Thrones after season 3… If this isn’t an April fools joke, then I have lost hope in humanity.
this is an April Fools Joke plain and simple, who is Kelly on Big Bang Theory?
April Fools!
“while taking an indefinite break from writing The Winds of Winter to catch up on some of my favorite movies” – GGRM.
I guess they sprinkle enough truth in there to keep you guessing. Still bitter about the last 7 year wait for Dance. At least now I have the visual arts to keep me entertained while the slow cog of GRRM’s mind turns ponderously, grinding the rough concepts of Winds of Winter into refined storyline and character development.
Hopefully having a show that needs material breathing down his neck will give GRRM some incentive to finish the next one, and the one after that…
Well played HBO well played. You had me going for a bit.
Well played? Just wait ’til you see Dinklage in the NHL!
No, this is not true, can’t be. I read all the books (read them 10 years ago) and have re-read all the books. The show is very faithful to the books. There is no way in hell the would make the char of Tyrion Lannister more “comical”. Plus he’s actually very comical already.
Wow. I was terrified until I remembered it’s April Fool’s day. THANK GOD.
if you don’t like big bang theory it is probably because you don’t understand it.
This is so obviously an April fool’s joke. It is written in a completely self mocking manner, and some of the stuff they say is too outrageous to be real. I don’t care how good Warwick is at acting, they would not be giving him $1 million per show, and there is no one named “Kelly” on the Big Bang Theory, there’s a Kaley, but the spelling is different enough that I think its a deliberate typo.
AGH WTF? SERIOUSLY? Right as the new season starts? LESS dragons and direwolves? WTF?
Gawdamn april fools. oi.
Damn I can’t believe I was actually convinced until they started talking about digitally transposing Warwick’s face over Dinklage’s
April fools.
I don’t want more comedy and fewer dragons and direwolves. I don’t want Peter to relinquish Tyrion. You’re right… this HAS to be April Fools…
I certainly hope this is a joke. Peter Dinklage is THE best character next to Jon Snow on the entire series.
April fool…..
this had better be a joke!!! Peter is GOT!!! hes the reason why i watch it
weird how this is out on april fools day
an April fools joke
please! why you GOT waste that much of their budget on replacing someone!!! Warwick looks nothing like Peter!!!!! #FAKE
Jacob Klein: Peter’s last name is spelled Dinklage, not Dinkalge. Just FYI.
Did you read that Peter says he missed out on playing Kelly’s love interest? I was like who the heck is Kelly. Then I realized, it is KALEY CUOCO, they can’t even get the name right. Good April Fool’s joke!
Of course it’s an April Fool’s joke you morons.
Man…listen to yourselves…
This better be an April Fool’s joke otherwise I’ll be pissed!
Who’s Kelly on BBT? Her name is Penny, not Kelly! He can’t love the show that much if he can’t even name the characters right.
You know, they could have fooled more people if the tone of the article was even a *tad* bit serious.
F you HBO….NOT FUNNY!!! lol
Gotta be a joke, Warwick Davis would have to work around the clock and be in 2 places at once to shoot both Game of Thrones and Life’s Too Short. If the article was a little more subtle it might be believable but $1 mil per episode? Transposing his face onto future releases of past episodes? Just a little too far fetched.
If this is such a serious subject for a successful HBO show, why hasn’t the story been picked up by other entertainment news sources? Enjoy April 1 for what it is people!
Hervé Villechaize would be a better choice, when Daenerys finally reaches Westerous he can yell ” the dragons, boss, the dragons”
It better be a joke, cause other wise it sux!
April fools!
way to ruin a great character. Peter is an amazing actor, hoping its an april fool.
NO….PLEASE, please, let this be some awful April Fool’s day prank. Tyrion is my favorite character in the books and on the show, and Peter Dinklage perfectly embodies the character, YOU CAN’T JUST SWITCH THEM OUT, Peter isn’t just interchangeable with other small folk, or regular folk for that matter. Lol.
if youve read the books you would know he wasnt ment to be funny, thanx for runing the show i will never watch again
April Fools?
Did anybody read a book? there is no part fot Tyrion Lannister in season 4 because he is hiding!!!
If you read the books, then you know that book 4 and book 5 occur concurrently, therefore season 4 and 5 will pull from both of those books.
Not subtle enough.
Not funny….I had a moment of panic.
joke or not…big bang theory is seriously a terrible show.
Guess that’s why it has 10+million viewers heh. How many does GOT have? oh yeah less than 5mil.
I hope it is a joke because I will stop watching if Peter Leaves the show. He is my favorite character. What a big mistake if they do!
Best April Fool’s press release I’ve seen yet — made me laugh out loud at the screen!
The season premiere last night was awesome….
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :(
I hate April 1st.
I like Warwick and all but this better be a f***ing joke
I love Peter as Tyrion! He is the best character on GoT by far! I don’t like this April fools joke! :)
This better be a joke. Big Bang Theory is everything I dislike about TV rolled into a painful half hour of crap pie.
In response to Big Bang Theory:
Actually ratings don’t mean a thing. Just because something is popular doesn’t make it any good. Look at Justin Bieber… Big Bang Theory is a one joke show and so predictable. It’s hard to believe it’s been on for as long as it has.
fuck this shit
I’m dying and almost in tears over here..my husband is a diehard fan of the books and the show. I wasn’t planning to prank him on April 1st but this is too good to pass up LOL Looove you honey <3
did i just fall for this….
April Fool’s ?
Very nice, I’ve been hoping for this all along. After they replaced the Mountain with Ian Whyte, I realized that it makes sense for the show to go in a more comic direction. I’ve heard that Will Ferrel has an audition set up as well. Good show, HBO! ;)
You forgot to mention he was in “Willow” too! ;-)
It has to be a joke … I can’t even imagine Tyrion as a jokester, that’s just ridiculous.
An April Fool’s day joke?
the producers must be the children of the mad king I would personally stop watching over a bs move like this and Daddy Lanister is the only one who was a semi well known actor in this series so anyone who would be the fool to jump ship now.
Peter you my friend should take pride that so many fans love you, your our hero because dispite your chars lineage you remain the Hero thru it all and stay true to your heart and to be sure these ladies love ya bro only a fool would leave his legacy to crumble into ashes
April fools perhaps?
its April Fools….. Oh shit I got scared…..
April Fools? Please say so!
I won’t watch anymore! I only watch because of Peter, and his incredible acting skills..you are making a huge mistake changing his character…he is WHAT MAKES this show!! Disgusted I will now cancel my HBO subscription.
Less dragons? Less Direwolves?? NNooOoOoUuUu!
To me, Peter Dinklage is a big part of the show. I am not sure I will feel the same about the series without him on it. Lets hope it’s a joke!
Good one. You got me
Hahahha this made me laugh my balls off.
April fool Joke
Oh man! Totally fished in…You people are cruel. CRUEL! Viva la Peter ;) Peter, you are the best part of the show ;) Keep up the good work. Bazinga!
This better be a damn April Fools Joke!
lol Using one of the most beloved actors in the cast of one of your most successfull shows. Well played, HBO, well played.
Right? lol.
They broke the line when they suggested they’d actually pay 20% of revenue to one character of such a huge series. It’s all april fools. You really think they’d “digitally transpose” the comedian’s face onto peter’s? In the words of Lana, “Nooooooooooooope!”
you have to be kidding me thats freakin ridiculous u can’t replace him
hoping this won´t be true…..
clearly an April fools joke, point 1. point 2 BIG BANG THEORY KICKS @SS!!!!!