Ingmar Bergman, one of the world’s most celebrated filmmakers debuted Scenes From A Marriage in 1973. The Swedish miniseries explored the disintegration of a marriage between a family lawyer and a psychology professor. This five-hour miniseries was also edited into a 2-hour 45-minute feature-length film; both
Original Couple
versions are heralded as television and cinematic bliss respectively. Contrary to the original series, it is the wife in the 2021 series that is dissatisfied with their current and recent circumstances, and her dissatisfaction is the driving force of the pilot episode. HBO alum Hagai Levi’s (In Treatment) 2021 take on Bergman’s original is a true reimagining vice ending up being a run-of-the-mill remake. Whether the methodical and layered revelations of the original or the more visceral and direct approach of the 2021 version is more effective, will be up to viewers to decide. Comparisons to the original series will not go beyond this paragraph, for many readers may be unfamiliar with the original work.
HBO’s Couple
Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac continue to add to their storied careers with top-notch performances as Mira and Jonathan, a couple with a young daughter living in an upper-middle-class suburban neighborhood. Although Mira is the breadwinner, it is Jonathan who openly gives insight into their careers to listening ears. Our axiom into the couple’s lives is through an interview being conducted by a Ph.D. candidate. The interviewer is capturing information for a dissertation about gender roles in monogamous relationships. Jonathan’s well-intentioned but disillusioned take on the state of his marriage is acutely apparent in Mira’s mannerisms and general discomfort throughout the interview. Jonathan frequently equates financial stability and taking care of one’s responsibilities to compassion and intimacy. He enthusiastically answers questions directed to Mira; naively thinking that they are on the same emotional accord.
When Mira reveals she is expecting, a surprised but initially happy Jonathan is distraught when Mira reveals she does not want to continue the pregnancy. Levi smartly leaves what was discussed about the situation to our imagination, and places us in the moments after the abortion. The crinkling of tablet packets as Mira takes meds after the abortion brought chills down this reviewer’s spine. The scene is not intended to bring forth pro-life or pro-choice arguments. Rather, this situation displays the unfortunate circumstances of the human condition. The previously upbeat Jonathan is grieving for the aborted life, himself, and his wife. Jonathan is further saddened by Mira’s polite but stern refusal to ride back home with her husband, instead opting to take public transportation at a later time.
The opening scene of episode 1, Innocence and Panic, is a meta-spectacle. A handheld camera follows Jessica Chastain from her dressing room to the set of Scenes From A Marriage. We see that COVID restrictions are in place. Thoughts on this scene from various reviewing platforms have lauded it or criticized it for being too “on-the-nose”. What are your thoughts on the first episode; particularly the inclusion of openly acknowledging the current ongoing pandemic? Is it effective or too soon?
(Due to glitches on we are not able to embed the following Scene Study; hit the link to view.)
Scenes From A Marriage returns Sunday, September 19, 2021, at 9:00pm ET.
I did not attempt to explain Mira’s feelings due to the fact that some may construe my attempt as bias or even “mansplaining”.
However, I acknowledged that her situation brought chills down my spine, and that the husband talked over her during the interviews.
I aim to be as impartial and apolitical as possible.
Having not seen the original, I’m curious how people will compare the two, particularly given the change of Mira’s dissatisfaction driving the changes. I felt every moment of Chastain’s discomfort during the interview, especially his constant interjections. He clearly has a reputation for talking.
While you focus on Jonathan’s grief in that scene, I cried buckets of tears seeing Chastain pull the sheet over her head in a moment of much needed privacy. A movement I’ve done myself plenty of times. Mira is sitting with the knowledge of the choice she’s made knowing it cannot be reversed and knowing she will question herself for the rest of her life if she made the right choice. And that in reality, it is her choice and only her choice. Her body is the one who would have to handle the pregnancy, not her husband. Jonathan’s grief is one thing, the grief of the woman making the choice whether or not to host another life inside her is something else entirely. And that’s precisely why she needs a moment alone. Because she feels and is alone in that choice.