Home » Rome: The Complete Series Review

Rome: The Complete Series Review

by Cian Gaffney
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Rome-caesar-Blu-ray__1377606022_109.78.102.69Existing as the pinnacle of what HBO is capable of achieving in terms of quality entertainment, Rome was perhaps too good to be true. With an estimated total budget of $100,000,000, it was grossly expensive for its time. The attention to detail was apparent throughout the show’s two seasons, however, and while it was short-lived, it still remains one of the best shows HBO has ever produced. The quality of the show noticeably declined during the second season, although this can be fully explained by the fact that it was cut short. Originally planned to be five seasons long (the second ending with Brutus’ death, the third and fourth being set in Egypt, and the fifth portraying the rise of the Messiah), Rome was given just one shortened season to conclude the projected story after the expensive success of its first season. There have been various rumors over the years since the show concluded, concerning a possible movie being made to finish everything up. Sadly, this never came to pass, and probably never will. More detail about the production and ultimate fate of the show can be found in our article, Remembering Rome.

hbo-rome-2__1378236025_109.78.225.209For now, however, we must content ourselves with what is available to us. The two seasons span a total of 21 years, beginning with Caesar’s victory in the Gallic Wars in 52 BC, and concluding with Octavian Caesar’s victory over Mark Antony at Actium in 31 BC. The two central characters are Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo, both members of the famous Roman 13th Legion; Vorenus a First Spear Centurion, and Pullo a legionary. While these characters are no one of note historically (save being based on two briefly mentioned soldiers in Caesar’s notes), they have a dual purpose. Vorenus and Pullo are fascinating characters in their own right, and through their exploits we gain a rich insight into plebeian life in Rome. At the same time, however, their characters are used to react to and either benefit or suffer from certain major historical events, sometimes even being used to directly influence said events. The fact that throughout the series, Vorenus and Pullo succeed in rising far above the “plot device” moniker and become stupendously portrayed characters in their own right, is a testament to Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson, and the writers of the show. Their own interactions with happenings far greater than themselves matter.

On the topic of casting, Rome has quite a large ensemble cast, of which in my opinion there is only one (minor) weak link. My three personal favorite portrayals would be (in no particular order): David Bamber as Marcus Tullius Cicero, James Purefoy as Mark Antony, and the aforementioned Ray Stevenson as Titus Pullo. Bamber is simply marvelous to watch, and it would be a disservice to his thespian skill to attempt to explain his work. The only recent portrayal of a character I would rank alongside his is Michael Stuhlbarg’s Arnold Rothstein in Boardwalk Empire. Purefoy perfectly captures the cold, bubbling menace of Antony, along with his utter devotion to Caesar and loyalty to his cause. Stevenson’s method is difficult to describe, as it is unique in that he simply seems so genuine – it’s as if he isn’t acting at all! Worthy mentions would be Polly Walker as Atia, Ciarán Hinds as Caesar, Tobias Menzies as Brutus, and Lyndsey Marshal as Cleopatra. Marshal being cast as Cleopatra was a topic of controversy at the time, as she wasn’t considered traditionally “beautiful” enough for the role. However, I thought that she captured the role perfectly; using her speech and body movement to allure rather than her good looks alone. The one weak link I mentioned is Camilla Rutherford as Jocasta. Her portrayal was quite over the top and unconvincing, and she stood out from the other characters for the wrong reasons. Luckily, she didn’t feature enough as to detract from the quality of the show. Also, on a side note, the recasting of Max Pirkis with Simon Woods as Octavian was quite jarring at first – both actors appeared as the same character in the same season – but necessary as a result of a lot of plot material having to be squeezed into season 2, necessitating Octavian to look as if he could demand respect. Both actors performed admirably, although I did prefer Pirkis in the role. Overall, the cast is very, very impressive and perhaps one of the most convincing casts in any show.

Episode-wise, Rome excels in quality. There is not one episode that can be considered “bad”; each one progresses the plot and offers significant character development. Of course, some of the episodes in season 2 are undoubtedly rushed, but that is not the direct fault of the producers. For this reason, however, season 1 is better overall than season 2. The conflict between Julius Caesar and Pompey Magnus is wonderfully developed, and thoroughly rewarding to follow until the end. In direct comparison to this, one can only imagine how well the war between Octavian Caesar and Mark Antony would have played out had the show been allowed to progress as planned. Alas, it too was given the short thrift, and instead we only saw Mark Antony in Egypt for a total of two episodes. Considering the quality of the scenes set in Egypt during these episodes, what we have missed out on it is lamentable.

rome01__1378342866_109.77.138.237In terms of great episode conclusions/cliffhangers, Rome has an abundance. My two favorites would have to be the ending of Kalends of February (the final episode in season 1), and the ending of A Necessary Fiction (the 8th episode in season 2). The juxtaposition of scenes happening simultaneously concluding Kalends and season 1 is a marvelous feat of editing. In the space of a few minutes, we are hit with a trio of punches, as we witness Caesar being murdered in the Senate House, Servilia gloating to Atia and Octavian over the murder as it is occurring, and Vorenus causing the death of Niobe over her adultery. On top of all that, we see Pullo and Eirene finally come to terms. Of all the people to get a happy ending, it happens to be Pullo. This becomes a common theme as the series continues. All of this combined makes great television. This is how you end a season. The ending of A Necessary Fiction, on the other hand, leaves more to the imagination. It begins with a shot of an eagle devouring a rat. The symbolism implied here is beautiful; the majestic Caesar catches and devours his prey with little effort. Next, we see Pullo take command of the Aventine, remaining loyal to Vorenus even in his absence, and fighting to uphold the will of his estranged friend.

The fight sequence that ensues is chaotic and well choreographed, and ends with a chilling shot of Pullo, axe raised, almost breaking the fourth wall with a battle cry. Following this, we see Mark Antony (soon to be the eagle’s prey) arriving in Alexandria. This short scene contains only two words of dialogue, yet carries a lot of weight. An armored Antony enters the throne room, seeking Cleopatra’s welcome. Seeing Caesarion on the throne, he is confused, until a voice offscreen calls “Antony”. We follow Antony’s vision and see Cleopatra, garbed in both shadow and a very revealing cotton dress, as she approaches him. Antony’s eyes slide down her alluring body. He grins and replies, “Cleopatra”. After a quick shot of Cleopatra offering a suggestive smile, the episode ends with a cut to black. Throughout this scene (and reprising once more in the credits), the score is beautiful, and one of the best tracks composed for the show. We know what comes next before viewing the next episode – the love affair of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most famous in history. The nature of these final two scenes, in trusting a lot in the imagination of the fans, combined with the fact that the next episode begins a whole four years later, suggests that it was originally intended to end a season before the show was compressed.

tumblr_mau49bK09K1qim9hqo1_500__1378573420_109.76.71.219In relation to costumes and sets, as a period drama, Rome is unrivaled by anything outside HBO, and perhaps contends only with Deadwood and Boardwalk Empire within HBO’s borders. The production value in the show is outstanding, and it is obvious that no expense was spared in ensuring the authenticity of ancient Rome. From the gritty rags of the plebeians to the exquisite, colorful togas of the patricians, everything looks so natural and real. This even filters down to the hairstyles, the most Romanesque of which is probably Cicero’s, as sported by David Bamber. The same goes for the sets, the most impressive of which is the forum. Having visited the real remains of the Roman forum a number of times, I can attest to the realism of it as portrayed in the show. The producers were really willing to go the extra mile in constructing the entirety of the forum, without relying on CGI, and it shows. No other show that comes to mind has been subjected to as much scrutiny by the production team as Rome has, and it is extremely difficult to attempt to pick out any anachronisms within the show’s 22 episodes. Despite the British accents, it really is as if we are looking at the real Rome.

Of questionable or “bad” decisions in the production of the show, Rome has next to none. Most of them are nitpicks and stem as a direct result of the series being shortened. A notable example of this is the seemingly random focus on Timon and the Jewish presence in Rome in the second season. This is a very interesting premise, yet unfortunately we get only a small number of scenes that end in nothing, as Timon and his family head for Jerusalem. Obviously we would have seen much more of the Jewish presence in Rome and Jerusalem had a 5th season happened, and thus seen more of Herod (played wonderfully by René Zagger in but a single episode). Instead, a small, almost irrelevant subplot involving Timon, his zealous brother, and a plot to kill Herod is all we were given. I think it may have been better to omit this arc, rather than attempt to shoehorn it in. Again, the negativity here is only as a result of the show being mercilessly shortened. A minor nitpick of an arc which occurs in the first season (and thus is not as a result of time and monetary constraints), is that I would have preferred if the political aspect of the plot to assassinate Caesar had not been as downplayed as it was. I felt that there was a slight overemphasis on the petty fight between Atia and Servilia as the motive behind his assassination, with too much emphasis on Servilia as the main instigator. Of course, the political aspect was present, but was often robbed of priority by Servilia’s hate for Caesar and his kin. However, every scene relating to this arc was top class, and if these are the only complaints one can find with the show, it really does speak to its quality. 

12rome_CA0ready__1378235868_109.78.225.2091Vorenus and Pullo. The two men around whom the entire show revolves, yet not to the detriment of historical accuracy. The two men who instantly come to mind when Rome is discussed. The two men who formed an unbreakable alliance over 21 years, surviving Caesar’s campaign in Gaul; recovering Caesar’s stolen standard; rescuing Caesar’s nephew from captivity; causing the civil war between Julius Caesar and Pompey Magnus; finding and returning the stolen Roman treasury; surviving the near decimation of Mark Antony’s forces at sea; locating and releasing the elusive and broken Pompey; liberating Cleopatra; surviving the arena to become heroes among the plebeians; ruling the Roman underworld; surviving the war between Octavian Caesar and Mark Antony after taking opposing sides; and successfully rescuing Caesar and Cleopatra’s bastard son from being murdered by Octavian. The fact that all of this is achieved by two men and is still plausible to the viewer is a testament to the show’s amazing writing and production. The outstanding chemistry between Kevin McKidd and Ray Stevenson mirrors the unbreakable friendship between Vorenus and Pull0, one that forms the backbone of Rome, directly to both its own benefit and the pleasure of the viewer.

The extra material contained in the box set itself is as rich and rewarding as the show itself, even when compared to box sets released today. Spread over a total of 10 Blu-ray discs, the bonus features include:

  • Rome__1378577548_109.76.71.21913 episode commentaries by the cast and crew
  • “Interactive Bloodlines” – An interactive feature detailing the familial relations during episodes
  • “All Roads Lead to Rome” – An interactive feature that displays trivial facts during episodes
  • “Friends, Romans, Countrymen” – A short informative feature on the characters of Rome
  • “The Rise of Rome” – A behind-the-scenes look at what goes into bringing Rome to life (cast, costumes, sets etc.)
  • “Shot by Shot: Caesar’s Triumph” – A look at how this massive scene was created
  • “Shot by Shot: Gladiator” – A look at how the arena scene was created
  • “When in Rome” – A look at the historical tidbits in Rome (class, deities etc.)
  • “A Tale of Two Romes” – An account of Rome’s history by producer Jonathan Stamp
  • “The Making of Rome: Season II” – A look at new characters, and the differences between both seasons
  • “The Rise of Octavian: Rome’s First Emperor” – Jonathan Stamp documents the ascension of Octavian
  • “Antony and Cleopatra” – A look at the relationship between Antony and Cleopatra

Of these extra features, my favorites were “The Rise of Rome” and “When in Rome”. Both were generously informative and were definitely the most interesting. By and large, the episode commentaries were enjoyable, but I do wish that both Ray Stevenson and Kevin McKidd had featured in the same commentary, rather than going solo in separate ones. The same goes for James Purefoy; the commentary would have been more enjoyable if he had someone else to bounce off. All in all, the Rome box set is a must have for any HBO fan, or indeed any fan of history/entertainment. It is available to purchase through both the HBO Store and [amazon_link id=”B0028RXXFC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Amazon[/amazon_link].

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B.Allen July 23, 2019 - 8:49 am

Historical inaccuracies aside, Rome was sheer perfection. The set design and lighting were as good as it gets, and Ciaran Hinds may have been the best Caesar to ever march on Rome. I would love to see it return in some form, but I doubt they could match that cast. Perhaps a prequel centered around Marius and Sulla. Or maybe Hannibal and the 2nd Punic War. Rome ended far too soon. It left me saying…
“Heller, give me back my series”!

Isabella December 2, 2019 - 9:13 am

I would go stronger;) Heller, the Hell, give me back the best series ever! But it rather be addressed to HBO.
Amazing, so many years went by, and people still wait for remake / making of/ reboot/ re-whatever about ROME….

DK January 31, 2019 - 3:27 pm

Just about my only complaint is with cleopatra. I realize the historical cleopatra was a bit beyond her prime when some of the main events occured but with what was surely available to the producers – i can think of at least three areas where the actress was a little ‘short’.

Esmeralda Vargas September 1, 2017 - 9:20 pm

OMG plzzzzz BRING IT BACK it definitely NEEDS TO COME BACK !!! HBO People you really have & had a WINNER w/this Series its a WIN WIN SERIES & I bet if you did a poll count on those WANTING IT BACK you WOULD see that there are A LOT of People Who DO WANT IT BACK !!! NOW MORE THAN EVER YOUR RATINGS WILL GO UP !!! & Quit Whining about it costing a lot to make cause I’m even 100% SURE that w/today’s times you WILL GET YOUR $ MONEY $ BACK & then SOME EXTRA SUPER WHOLE LOT MORE !!!! As You CAN SEE HOW WAY TOO MANY FANS WANT IT BACK !!!!!!!!!!!

Anthony Targaryen May 8, 2018 - 7:22 pm

Well said. Truly great show.

Robert Basset April 17, 2016 - 5:39 am

First season was amazing, the second started strong following as it did directly from the end of the first but quickly unravelled after episode 2 and some episodes even bordered on being a combination of tedius and clownish. The pointless meandering plot lines that went nowhere, the focus on uniteresting side characters. Even so there were some shining moments and episodes, the long awaited big battle scene was great too. It remains one of my favourite tv shows ever, chiefly for the first season.

Michael Raines June 22, 2016 - 3:07 pm

Season 2 became confusing because they had planned on 3 seasons but in haste combined what was supposed to be seasons 2 and 3 together to create season 2.

Jan VanLiew Brewster February 23, 2015 - 9:34 am

This show was primarily about sex, sex and more sex. But, the biggest weakness was the bad actress cast as Cleopatra. And, her costumes were laughable. Her hairpieces looked like leftover drapery cords. I am surprised the actress could keep a straight face. Plus, the ommission of the historically acurate eye make-up was incredibly annoying.

refugeesillegalsgohome November 25, 2016 - 10:03 pm

She is just TERRIBLE! I am watching this show on DVD now and it is hard to watch her.

cat January 30, 2015 - 10:41 am

This series sucked. It was very hard to listen to ancient romans speaking modern slang. The older pictures about ancient Rome have more authentic dialog than this did. I watched a few episodes and then stopped.

Jef Dinsmore January 30, 2015 - 2:31 pm

That makes you a rare cat indeed, maybe even the last of your kind.

Thawed Cave Bear March 11, 2015 - 8:48 pm

More authentic dialogue in older pictures? So, what, they spoke Latin? Was the Latin carefully class-and-century-accurate? What a nonsensical complaint.

Bruce Darling December 6, 2015 - 8:47 am

Perhaps the series would have been more to your liking if the actors has spoken Latin?

Anthony Targaryen May 8, 2018 - 7:23 pm

Fuck you ignorant idiot.

Ruufus November 6, 2014 - 7:32 pm

The Best. The only series I have ever purchased. Every few years I
binge watch over 3 weeks. It is fresh, original and nuanced every time.
The actors do a prefect job. The production and film crew clearly cared
about their work. I really wish HBO had continued the series. Rome has
400 more years to tell and it’s just as dramatic.

BlogAngel September 22, 2014 - 12:42 pm

Great storytelling is hard to come by these days. I would love to see the next season of Rome, please, the powers that be, make it happen. I know it is an expensive endeavor, regarding costumes, war epic, locations, and simply period piece budget… but it is so worth it, to people like me. I turned so many people on to just the recent re-run experience, they are all waiting with baited breath, for the next, 3rd installment.

I think, most fascinating, would be a Deepak Chopra-take on the Jesus years, (before the New Testament years, while Herod and Pontius Pilate were in control. I’d like to know what happened, ultimately, to Octavian Caesar – so smart, yet heartless, and how everything began our current calendar and history,) meeting Judas, and Mary Magdalene, before the Bible rewrote what they were really doing.

Check it out in, Chopra’s book, “Jesus”. It is the most common-sense version of what made up the New Testament that there is, to date; Ancient activist Jews, acting out the prophesies of the Old Testament, with the intent to keep the Jewish people together, but never intending to create an entirely new Christian religion, which is what happened.

Whatever you decide, I want to see more Rome!


Carmen De Cecco

salem July 4, 2014 - 6:29 pm

I hope you do third season for Rome perfected STORY

Smitch June 21, 2014 - 9:32 pm

Incredible show… hopefully it will come back.

MJ Snow September 20, 2013 - 12:04 pm

Ugh! reading this makes me sad! This was such a great show, I enjoyed every minute! Amazing acting & the writing was far better than on Game of Thrones. It was heartbreaking to see it cut short.

VL Vanderveer September 12, 2013 - 8:23 am

Great job, Cian! I definitely want to sit down and re-watch this.

Cian Gaffney September 12, 2013 - 2:11 pm

Thanks, and sit down and rewatch as soon as you can!

Nahojism September 12, 2013 - 12:56 am

I’m not fond of the idea of wrapping up cancelled TV shows in a movie. Either you do it right or you don’t do it at all. No half measures please. Rome joins the ranks with Deadwood and Carnivalé, great TV that was cancelled way to early.

Cian Gaffney September 12, 2013 - 4:16 am

Neither am I, I think it’s rushed and lazy. I’d rather if there wasn’t a Rome movie made (which looks like a pretty safe bet now). I haven’t seen Carnivale yet but Deadwood is up there with my favorites.

Jacob Klein September 11, 2013 - 8:45 pm

Nice write-up, Cian!
I loved this series. I think it was missing an element that Game of Thrones has now. It was a little ahead of it’s time too as it probably cost almost as much to make but couldn’t live up to the visual standards we’re used to from HBO today.

Cian Gaffney September 12, 2013 - 4:11 am

You’re right! If it was being shot today it would definitely run its full course.

Thawed Cave Bear March 11, 2015 - 8:51 pm

It cost more: 100 million US$ per season vs 50-60 mil for ‘Game of Thrones.’ I guess CG is a lot cheaper, now, and there have been obvious attempts in GoT to limit the use of big crowd scenes and such.

Rod Wesley September 11, 2013 - 4:50 pm

i thought it was amazing, I have the boxed set…..love it!

Cian Gaffney September 11, 2013 - 5:03 pm

I honestly thought your name was Ron Weasley for a second. And yes, it’s a great show!

Aditya Iyer September 11, 2013 - 9:52 am

I agree, Rome was one of the greatest shows HBO ever made, and I’m glad they did. Still wished they went about with the planned 5 seasons or someway that is somehow miraculously done :(

Cian Gaffney September 11, 2013 - 5:04 pm

At this stage I think it would be best to give up hope. At least what we actually have is some of the best television ever!

Anthony Targaryen May 8, 2018 - 7:24 pm

Awesome show thanks for reviewing


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