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Game of Thrones: Why It’s Worth the Wait

by Rhiannon Kavity
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There’s no such thing as a true spoiler in Game of Thrones since the television series is based on a series of books that is already published but that doesn’t stop the show only fan’s hearts from dropping when possible book spoilers, or even show spoilers surface. Early this morning it was announced that episodes from tonight’s upcoming Season 5 were leaked on an illegal downloading site. Which means the world is about to get a lot more spoiler happy and a lot of us will be super careful about what we click on in the near future.

If you’re one of the people tempted to search online for these illegal episodes instead of waiting the few hours until tonight’s epic premiere, here’s a few reasons why you should hold off with the rest of us.

  1. Ratings, ratings, ratings. Anyone who regularly watches television knows how important these are to a series. If all the fans have already seen the episode and don’t log on to watch tonight, that’s going to show in the ratings, which might lead to dire consequences for Westeros.
  2. An Awesome GoT Premiere Party. As if you need an excuse to celebrate your favorite show but it’s pretty amazing when you get a group of equally obsessed friends together to celebrate the new season. Check out our post for last seasons premiere that talks about how to throw an awesome GoT party that even Cersei would love.
  3. Drinking Games. Do you have any idea how many drinking games there are for this show? Take a shot every time someone is naked. Take a shot every time someone is killed. Check them out here!
  4. Because you can pull out your best Westeros costume and dress up! I’m pretty sure I’ll spend every Halloween alternating between Dany and Cersei. Here’s an awesome make up tutorial that shows you exactly how to make yourself look just like Daenerys.
  5. We’ve been anxiously waiting for almost a year for tonight. I’m pretty sure a few more hours won’t kill us. Suspense is half the fun!

We hope you’re all looking forward to the episode as much as we are. Stay tuned to HBOWatch for a review of tonight’s episode and let us know what you’re hoping to see in the comments.

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Ken Harris May 7, 2015 - 5:35 pm

sick of waiting. why is the 5th episode delayed?

Anon April 16, 2015 - 12:27 am

I am one of those who couldn’t wait. And I want to apologize for the ratings. But I don’t even have signal of HBO channel where I live.
And I couldn’t wait even if there is a channel here that broadcasts it(I don’t think that there is though but I could be wrong since I don’t watch TV regularly due to lots of junk stuff our TV channels show), cause I guess you could say I am a GoT junkie. I been waiting for a year now and every time I have to wait for a year to get my next “dose” of it. When I read on facebook that episodes are out, I just instinctively run to watch them, cause I was starving/thirsty for GoT too much to let this chance pass by.
Now though I am facing the number 6. That was listed by Jason Godfrey, but at least it’s a month that I have to wait for next episode, not a whole year.
I am happy that green light was given for up to 7th season/there is at least 2 more seasons of it and hoping for even more.

Good luck and thanks for this amazing show :)
On a last note I don’t see how people can not have things listed here with a leaked episode. The can still gather and watch it together, having all that fun. :)

Jason Godfrey April 13, 2015 - 11:00 am

6. You’ve waited over a year for the first 4 episodes to leak. You now have to wait a month for the next episode unless more gets leaked.

Harley Walter April 13, 2015 - 5:53 am

For a 60 minute show why do we get 40 minutes? Very Frustrating!

Daan April 13, 2015 - 7:09 am

They are mostly 50/55 minutes long, so don’t know what you are saying?

Harley Walter April 13, 2015 - 8:11 am

I looked at my watch last night when it started and finished.

Ariel April 13, 2015 - 10:18 am

you should buy a new watch.

Harley Walter April 13, 2015 - 11:08 am

Sorry, take a minute or two off both ends, still wasted time.

Harley Walter April 14, 2015 - 7:23 am

Carefully time it when actual show starts and ends. Don’t count Pre-show or recap of last show content and don’t count after promotions for other shows at end.


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