Home » Game of Thrones Artist Showcase: Mariana Moreno’s Animated House Portraits

Game of Thrones Artist Showcase: Mariana Moreno’s Animated House Portraits

by Jacob Klein
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Here at HBO Watch we enjoy shining the spotlight on the myriad incredible artists who are inspired by George RR Martin’s world of Westeros.  Today we’ll meet Mariana Moreno whose work you may have already seen floating around Reddit, Facebook or other social networks.  Have you seen this one yet?:


Pretty clever, right?!  We loved it so much we shared it on Facebook and Twitter ourselves to much acclaim.  Well Mariana has put her talents to work AGAIN and come up with THREE MORE AMAZING PIECES for the HBO Watch audience.   These have NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE.  Mariana was kind enough to reach out to us and offer HBO Watch first glance.  Here they are in all their wonderful glory:




Like what you see?  Check out some of Mariana’s other work at the following locations:

and at be sure to like her Facebook Page for all the latest from this amazing artist.  

Want to know more about Mariana?  Here’s a bit of a bio from the artist herself:

When I was 15 years old, I met Will Eisner Award winner Oscar Gonzalez Loyo, current editor in chief at ¡Ka-Boom! Estudio S.A. de C.V. He and his team of script writers and artists, commonly known as “the Ka-boomers” in Mexico, had worked for both national and international companies (Bongo Comics – The Simpsons / Right Stuff – Astroboy, Kimba, Gigantor/ Sesame Street/ DC – Looney Tunes / Now Comics – Speed Racer/ etc.)

Here in Mexico, there are few places where you can study comic art professionally, so I decided to join Oscar’s team and become his and his team’s apprentice.

Since then, I’ve worked for 10 years along with the rest of the team on several national and international projects for different companies and became one of ¡Ka-Boom! Estudio’s associates. Some examples of the projects I’ve participated in are the following:

Coqueta & Audaz – Footwear company for which I did character designs for their publicity mascots.

Bubble Gummers – Footwear company for which I did pencils for two comic book issues. (Script: Susy Romero/Inks: Alejandro Palomares/Color: Tonatiuh Rocha)

Brazil’s Bienal – Art for mural paintings.

Reader’s Digest – Celebrities’ cartoons and illustrations for the Mexican printed edition.

Uncle Pepe’s Farm – Educational theme park for which I did character designs for their publicity mascots.

Coca-Cola, The Happiness Factory – Pencils for the comic book adaptation from the animated publicity short. (Addaptation and script: Susy Romero/Inks: Alejandro Palomares/Color: Tontaiuh Rocha)

Balam, The Mayan Prince – Former Disney animator Fernando Ruiz’s feature film for which I’m developing the storyboard along with artists Oscar Gonzalez Loyo, Horacio Sandoval and Alejandro Palomares.

Eloria, The Valley of Dreams – Comic books for altruistic association Dr. Sonrisas (Dr. Smiles) for which I did the pencils and character designs for their mascots. (Concept and Script: Rebeca Soriano/Inks: Alejandro Palomares/Color: Tonatiuh Rocha).

Besides doing this kind of works for clients, I publish my own weekly comic strips named Mayi at the Square Chronikles site (http://ka-boom.com.mx/kronikas/lang/en/), and I develop concept art as well for comic book projects of my authorship and other script writer’s collabs.

Thanks again, Mariana.  Please leave her a comment below if you’ve enjoyed her work.  And, as always be sure to cite one of her sources and/or this article if you’re sharing these images.  We can’t wait to see more from her!

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SkulloManiac December 15, 2015 - 7:10 am

This is literally the worst interview I’ve read in a while. Where are mentions of her inspirations? Her personal dreams? Her hopes? Her aspirations for the future? All she’s doing here is promoting the leader of the UFO Cult that controls her life. Poor, poor woman.

And the saddest part is that Mariana’s skills have gotten worse since this interview, and her mind has degenerated into full paranoia thanks to the UFO Cult that kidnapped her when she was 15 and has been exploiting her for over ten years in inhumane conditions.

Rodrigo Emmanuel Rodríguez Arg July 2, 2014 - 11:09 am

¡Marianita! Había visto esto en miles de páginas y siempre me gusto mucho, ¡Que MAL plan que jamás mencionaron al autor y más coraje me da ahora que sé que eras tú! Me enorgullece ser uno de ustedes, me matan de risa los comentarios xD es curioso como se exaltan porque, que yo sepa, la gente exitosa y completa no hace estas cosas pero bueno, muy su bronca.
Soy tu mega fan, en serio, lo tuyo es otra cosa.


alfonso orozco March 16, 2014 - 2:43 pm

A ver Julio Diana, que te parece si aprendes a Leer:

Los datos que citas son de un HOMONIMO, de un JUICIO CIVIL de cuantia MENOR, de ahce CINCO AÑOS DE OTRO ESTADO DE LA REPUBLICA.
Estas afirmando que un JUZGADO CIVIL de CUANTIA MENOR maneja asuntos PENALES. PRUEBALO.
Con todas sus letras


No existe fraude en casa habitacion. Es imposible juridicamente hablando.

Esa es una estupidez. El documento dice que es una rescicion de contrato de arrendamiento. ¿DONDE ESTA EL FRAUDE?

Al estar hablando de cuantia menor, y de algo de hace cinco años Ya prescribio ademas, y ni siquiera soy yo.

Segun parece, por las averiguaciones que realice ese arrendatario no queria dar recibos de arrendamiento y se hizo deposito. El inicio el juicio para poder recuperar el dinero en deposito.

Favor de citar funcionario que te dijo que ese “Alfonso Orozco” nunca se presentó, porque ya cambió el sexenio y al no ser tu parte interesada directamente estarían cometiendo delito. En segundo lugar, ese tipo de edictos
se hacen cuando No quieres que la otra parte se presente y solo se hace por lo civil y familiar. Supongo que el arrendador FRAUDULENTO, lo hizo de esa forma para que estas personas no se enteraran.

alfonso orozco March 14, 2014 - 9:07 am

¿Alguién sabe algo del conflicto de hace tiempo en la Unam me parece que tuvo el sensei Paris de aikido y Guillermo Hoffner Long?
¿qué paso?
¿porqué paso?
¿porqué el sensei Hoffner salió lesionado si se dice que sabe mucho?
Alguien me dijo que fue por una confusión de tiempo, que Hoffner pensó que ya era la hora de su clase y se enojó por eso, pero ayer leí que fue porque Hoffner estaba molestando a la novia de Paris.
¿Alguien sabe algo de esto?
P.D. Los que no sepan absenganse de contestar.

alfonso orozco March 14, 2014 - 8:55 am

Mexico Df a 11 de Diciembre del 2009

A quien corresponda:

Por solicitud del Maestro Hoffner Long, escribo la presente para hacer una relación del quebranto y agresiones que hemos sufrido varias personas por parte del Ciudadano Marco Antonio Arenas Chipola, que segun sabemos daba clases de artes marciales en el IPN, y que como relataremos, se ha comportado con nosotros de manera deshonesta.

Desde 1992 yo organizo una serie de reuniones mensuales relacionadas con el rescate de tradiciones mesoamericanas, y se han formado varias razones sociales enfocadas a ello, incluyendo Ojos Alerta AC, misma que se fundó ante Notario Publico 180 de la ciudad De Mexico. Marco Antonio Arenas Chipola empezó a ir a esas reuniones a partir de finales del año 2000, siendo una persona normal, que no participaba mucho en las reuniones. En el año 2004 fue puesto bajo su cuidado un perro labrador de raza, llamado Mantra, mismo que era de microchip, tatuaje, Pedigree y con nivel de pie de cría, con un valor aproximado de 1500 a 1800 USD. A las dos semanas de tenerlo, manifestó que ya no lo tenía, y se comprometió en varias ocasiones ante docenas de testigos a reintegrar el equivalente del valor del perro, en un tiempo posterior.

Debido a que el año 2008 estuve realizando labores diferentes, le pedimos apoyo como persona con conocimiento de sistemas Linux para dar mantenimiento al hospedaje de una recopilación de informacion Realizada por el Lic Fabricio Flores Alarcón, del colegio de Psicólogos de Queretaro sobre Tanatología, y por descuido o a propósito, Marco Antonio Arenas Chipola Borró todos los archivos adjuntos, echando a perder el equivalente de trabajo de varias semanas de cinco a seis personas de nuestro equipo de trabajo.

A Mediados de Octubre del 2008, el descuido y falta de interés de este sujeto se hizo mas evidente, y por eso nos sorprendió cuando al tener nuestra asociación un problema económico temporal, se ofreció a facilitar ocho mil pesos de manera temporal, que se le iban a reintegrar a finales de este año 2009, e independientes del asunto del perro. Sin embargo, a mediados de Mayo, varios afiliados y simpatizantes nos reportaron que Marco Antonio Arenas Chipola estaba tratando de reclutar personas para fines propios, probablemente relacionados con sectas, incluyendo a otro alumno del Maestro Hoffner, E. Alvarez, que fue uno de los que nos reportaron el problema, y cuando encaramos a Chipola el aceptó que eso era cierto, por lo que procedimos a darlo de baja de nuestra asociación.

Al mismo tiempo me reportaron agresiones e insultos a varias mujeres de parte de el, incluyendo a mi esposa, mismas que puedo presentar a declarar en caso de ser necesario, y Chipola creó un blog en blogger donde ponía mas insultos hacia mujeres y otras personas de la asociación.

Al pedirle que nos reintegrara el valor del perro (primero en tiempo primero en derecho) para posteriormente regresarle el valor de su aportación, de manera anticipada, su respuesta fue decirnos que TODAVIA TENIA AL PERRO, y ofreció devolverlo CINCO AÑOS DESPUES, siendo inutil para nuestros fines por la edad actual del perro. Además tuvo el cinismo de poner como condición para devolver al perro, que le pagaramos los gastos del perro de cinco años. El razonamiento no es valido, porque sería similar a pedir los gastos y gasolina usada en un coche que hubiese tenido en su custodia y negado tener por cinco años.

No contento con lo anterior, creó un nuevo Blog acusandome de robo, y empezó a dar muestras de estar relacionado con sectas, además de hacerle llegar información a mi antigua pareja sentimental, tratando de provocarme problemas, y obligandome a tomar una serie de medidas que a la larga hacen que hayan terceros perjudicados, mi esposa actual, mi pareja anterior y los hijos con mi antigua pareja.

Por lo mismo, se tomó la medida en asamblea extraordinaria de aplicar los estatutos 13 y 15 de nuestra asociación, que en resumen hacen que su aportación sea usada para los fines de la sociedad, pero sigue teniendo un quebranto de parte de el de 1500 USD hacia nosotros, mas los problemas causados por su blog, por lo que estamos convencidos que es una persona deshonesta y tenemos multiples razones para suponer que es actualmente reclutador para sectas.

Hacemos del conocimiento Publico que, el día 25 de Julio del año 2009, el Sr. MARCO ANTONIO ARENAS CHIPOLA, ha sido dado de baja de nuestros foros y de nuestras asociaciones civiles, que no tenemos que ver con esta persona, ni nos hacemos responsables de sus actos o negocios que hayan hecho con el por cuenta propia o a nuestro nombre, sea con personas particulares o en relación con alguno de nuestros foros y/o asociaciones civiles.

A pesar que se le otorgó nuestra confianza y que colaboró con nosotros anteriormente, notamos evidencias desde fines del 2008 que había entrado en contacto con una secta destructiva de tendencia homosexual, y tenemos razones para creer que ha sido reclutado por la misma, por lo que con fecha del día 25 de Julio 2009 al aceptar MARCO ANTONIO ARENAS CHIPOLA estar reclutando personas para sus propios fines, fue expulsado de nuestras actividades y nos desligamos de cualquier actividad que diga a nuestro Nombre y de ninguna manera recomendamos contacto con el para ningun fin, ya que demostró absoluta inconstancia, misoginia, y tendencias a insultar Por Internet a cuanta mujer entraba en relación con el, además de otras tendencias antisociales, por lo que creemos es absolutamente incapaz de llevar a cabo acciones que beneficien a la sociedad.

De manera personal, la situación que creó dando información falsa, alterada y que no era suya para darla a mi pareja anterior, provocó que mis hijos estén ahora distanciados de manera casi permanente de un servidor, y pueden estar en peligro si proporciona o publica datos de mi familia a la secta , o si los proporciona en su blog de insultos a las mujeres o en el que bajo seudónimo nos acusa de robo.

Por lo anterior, me permito recomendar de la manera mas amplia posible, que se mantengan alejados de Marco Antonio Arenas Chipola, por ser una persona deshonesta, falaz, cobarde y parásita, que ha causado VOLUNTARIAMENTE daños a mi familia y a las asociaciones a las que perteneció, y que por pláticas con el maestro Hoffner, me hace pensar que Marco Antonio Arenas No tiene idea de lo que es el camino del BUDO, ya que se ha aprovechado de la confianza dada a la primera oportunidad, mostrando que es incapaz de trabajar en equipo, o de seguir instrucciones de personas a las que el buscó originalmente.

Autorizo la publicación de la presente para los fines que crean convenientes, aunque agradeceré no se publique mi telefóno que se encuentra al calce.

Alfonso Orozco Aguilar
Director General.
Ojos Alerta AC

arturo February 3, 2014 - 12:18 pm

Mariana SOY TU FAN, me encanta tu estilo,
y como lo mencionan arriba I can´t wait to see more from you.
Espero que algún día decidas impartir algo de tu conocimiento
Felices trazos!!

El Chablemon January 28, 2014 - 1:55 pm

Bueno banda, el post era acerca del arte y dibujos de mariana, por que comentar y tratar de acusar al mundo fuera de mexico que creo les importe mucho que a su mentor haya plagiado algo o que tenga una secta o que haya hecho o deshecho, oscar no es mariana.

ademas ella vive con quien quiere, convive con quien quiere y si quiere regalar trabajo y ser parte de una secta lo hara, dejen de criticar.

por otro lado estoy de acuerdo que la biografia no habla nada de ella si no de su estudio, que es entendible por el cariño y pertenencia a eso y que debe aprender que cuando se hace un reportje de ella solo hay que hablar de ella y no de su mentos ni de sus colaboradores, ella, ella es el tema. error haber metido a su estudio en tema y error mas grande que los seguidores de loyo sigan contestando comentarios trolls, parecen un pleito de kinder

Felicidades a Mariana, muy bonito trabajo, en serio no metas el curriculum de tu equipo en tu curriculum personal mas de lo necesario y banda, objetivo el rollo comenten sobre su trabajo no sobre su vida.


El Chablemon

Fernando January 19, 2014 - 12:46 am

Hola a todos.
¿Ya les contaron sobre la actitud #ProfesiANAL que se cargan estos señosres de kaboom estudio?
¿Han visto que es una secta? (bonus)

Es esto algo profesional?
Este señor(oscar) esta en contra de TODO lo no-mexicano y lo malinchista, pero sus acólitos dibujan a los disney(de hace mil años) , este hombre(?) se piratea todo lo que puede de todo lo que ve y lee de medios extranjeros.

¿Por qué esta mujer nos habla sobre su dueño en lugar de hablarnos sobre ella?
Si, conocio a un wey con un eisner de rebote, pero eso que?
No creen todos que con su talento puede llegar mas lejos(y no perder más órganos de la mala alimentación que tienen en C!). Ni hablar de que pordía trabajar en lo que quieira y no solo centrarse en lo que le agrada a a su patron. No digamos, “ganar dinero”.
Es decir, ellos mismos dicen que todos les tenemos envidia.

Ah, si, aprovecho para saludar a Hoacho
Pendejo, ya le diste de tragar a tu hija? ¿ya puedes comprarte al menos una cochina hamburguesa? ¿Unos cheetos?

Nada más quería mentartela, es que la verdad, de todos, eres el más infame y cobarde XD
Pero no das tanta risa como fubar, tu más bien dar risa por otros estandares, como la lástima. Eres tan miserable.

Kathia January 19, 2014 - 7:28 am

Es gracioso porque abajo en los comentarios anteriores un gringo fan puntualizó lo mismo sobre Como redactar una reseñareseña sencilla de tu trabajotrabajo. Nos da mas razón sobre que es una secta por el lavado cerebral que tiene la eterna “niña genio”.

El Chablemon January 28, 2014 - 1:58 pm

me parece un comentario fuera de lugar, al final deberiamos comentar sobre su trabajo y no sobre las ideologias ni de su maestroo loyo ni de la secta a la que han decidido ser parte, eso ya es muy su problema

Kathia January 18, 2014 - 10:54 pm

¡Ahh la dulce verdad!… ¿qué se siente Kachunes?, ¿qué se siente que la verdad siempre salga a la luz?, ¿qué se siente saber que por más intentos hagan ustedes de querer aparentar ser lo que no son, e intentar tapar su mala reputación, ahora estén tan quemados hasta con el extranjero por todas sus falacias, plagios y daños?, ¿a qué les sabe esa impotencia de querer engañar a mas gente y no poderlo lograr?, ¿qué se siente que ahora sean perseguidos por la verdad por todos los daños que ustedes mismos cometieron contra incautos en el pasado?

Putana Ramera January 18, 2014 - 2:51 pm

SuckDirectora Genital de Intendencia Pitorial, Congemidos y Miones, en ¡Ka-Chún! SinEstudio, S.A. de C. le V.; y lleva el Departamento de Solteronas y #Guionizmo en la Asno-ciación Narutal de la #Hinduztria Anovisual, Multimierda, Enpanzonamiento y Catre DiNopal, A. C. (A.Y.N.O.M.A.M.E.D.)

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 1:18 pm


This is “the art” of Oscar González Loyo?
Now I understand why he stole the art of others.

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 1:14 pm

Oscar González Loyo, is the same guy who stole a Brunner Dr Strange Storie. But argues that Brunner was stolen from a National Geographic magazine?
Hi is Mariana’s mentor?

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 12:45 pm

this was done in Disney?

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 12:39 pm

She is the same artist it is the same artist who promoted her comics strips kidnapping?


Vertebreaker January 17, 2014 - 7:41 pm

Soñé que Oscarito le preguntaba a Daenerys si su hermano le hacía cosas perversas como de novio y novia, jajajajajaja. XD

sergio hernandez medina January 18, 2014 - 9:24 am

Sigues imaginando que eres “arquitecto”?

Vertebreaker January 18, 2014 - 11:19 am

No, ya mejor vendo chocolatitos con gamborimbos de perro en el RoboShow. XD

Isai January 18, 2014 - 11:59 am Reply
Kathia January 17, 2014 - 4:53 pm

Está claro que el seudónimo ridículo de Pedro Pérez es un kachun, muy probablemente Tonaperra

Vertebreaker January 17, 2014 - 7:09 pm

Todos son Tonaperras, y cada uno nos la pellizca. XD

sergio hernandez medina January 18, 2014 - 9:21 am

como va el negocio de “arquitectura”?

Vertebreaker January 18, 2014 - 11:22 am

De la verga. Se me están acumulando los planos de proyectos sin vender en la sala. La gente me dice que son “invendibles”. ;)

Isai January 18, 2014 - 11:51 am

esta mejor ser parte del negocio de “decoración de interiores” y mas si el despacho esta en Aguascalientes.

Vertebreaker January 18, 2014 - 12:11 pm

Eso sí no lo sé, mano, pregúntale a Sutana Rotoplás, Dizque ella se dedicaba a eso antes de andar buscando “patrocinador” de por vida. XD

Isai January 18, 2014 - 12:02 pm

Todos aquí conocen a Manguito Star, Natsuki, Sophia, Eme y SuperSarahí, o al menos han leído sus comentarios. Bien, pues todas ellas tienen en común el haber estado participando en el muy popular evento Miss Toquetera 2012 hace 12 meses, contra una rival invencible. Medio TdQ estaba fascinado con su belleza, mostrada en las fotos que envió, y potenciada por los comentarios tipo lolita que hacía acerca del culto que estaba generando en torno a ella, por momentos rivalizando con el de Cosotas de EGM. Hasta la Miss reinante del 2007, Kenia María, la daba por favorita. Caray, hasta yo pensé que era posible. Todos queríamos saber quién era Tiffy, la novia del suertudote Omar Caxevil.

sergio hernandez medina January 18, 2014 - 9:23 am

Podriamos preguntarle al Lic. Omar Cordoba Alcazar como esta eso de Tiffy? o en su defecto por “Jessikita”?

Vertebreaker January 18, 2014 - 11:24 am

Tal vez si lepreguntas a su concubina cincuentona con moral de puta arrepentida, a la que presenta como su “esposa”, jejejeje

Isai January 18, 2014 - 11:49 am

mejor preguntale a bookwormcita jamoncita, Vuter, marques de topochico o cualquiera de esos adefesios del extinto TdQ

Tu Papá January 18, 2014 - 12:17 pm

El extinto Karmatron, 4 años y 9 meses sin publicar su comic MENSUAL

Elver Gudiño January 17, 2014 - 8:31 am

Pinche Marranita Moreno si no fuiera porque venimos a cagarnos en tus jetas no tendrias ni un puto comentario.
Felicidades por ser la gata sin amor que eres, vas que vuelas para rebeca y luego para chuchy rotoplas.

Saludos a oscarindo

Siempre tuyo, tu amigo

Le Panze Chelere

Fernando January 19, 2014 - 1:04 am

Buen comentario, mihermano XD

Lauren Schiffer January 16, 2014 - 10:50 pm

awesome art work!!! I don’t understand the comments below, it doesn’t make sense the rush comment against Mariana Moreno person, by the way this all guys must to know this is a HBO-GOT, this is not a place to that kind of comments

Jason Dahl January 17, 2014 - 8:13 am

Maybe if you had a better grasp of English you would.

Mariana Moreno January 18, 2014 - 9:21 am

Hi, Lauren! Thanks for the kind words! n__n I’m glad you enjoyed the pieces, and I hope these guys around here don’t become such a nuisance. They can get really nasty sometimes. Warm regards! :)

chuchobsc January 16, 2014 - 4:23 pm

Awesome work!
Got mad at the Lannister Portrait, really amazing jejeje

Saludos desde México

Erasmo January 16, 2014 - 1:15 pm

Saludos Ka-Boomes ¿Que se siente no tener el control de poder borrar comentarios?

Kitty January 16, 2014 - 1:54 pm

Jajajaja buena esa Erasmo xD ciertamente, tienes toda la razon…

Pedro Perez January 17, 2014 - 9:38 am

Que se siente ya por fin tener un lugar donde puedan descargar su odio, su rencor y su envidia que tenian resguardada desde que cerraron su Nathablog?? ya les hacia falta verdad? ya sus baños no les alcanzaba para echar mierda de su cuerpo jajaja

Saludo Erasmo Catrollrino


Erasmo January 17, 2014 - 2:02 pm

¿Odio, Rencor , Envidia? No, Mariana es fenomenal , con un talento de talla internacional , digna de rconocimiento. El problema es que ella es el “sombrero ajeno” del refrán y Ka-Boom (todos los que no son Mariana) son los saludadores.

Erasmo January 17, 2014 - 2:06 pm

Pedro Perez, ¡Que originalidad de pseudonimo!

tu padre January 17, 2014 - 2:08 pm

Pedrito, hay cientos de sitios que hablan de tu lider Loyo, y todos hablan de las tranzas que ha hecho ese imbécil. Informate más antes de que empieces a hacer el ridiculo como él

Erasmo January 17, 2014 - 2:13 pm

Por el estilo de escribir tan lleno de amargura , odio y nulo sentido del humor, se nota que Pedro Perez es Tona Rocha ¿Como estás Tona? ¿Alguna novedad tuya desde los VHS de Kimba?

Gerardo Ontiveros January 16, 2014 - 10:11 am

I’m Dr. Gerardo Ontiveros, I’m the physician surgeon whom practiced Miss Mariana Moreno a surgery for the same concept twice un the past 4 years. I diagnosted her with chronic apendicitis product of a nutrition deficit, triggered by a big amount of stress. Right now I can corroborate that her health is indeed very delicate for a 26 -year woman.

Daniel January 16, 2014 - 9:30 am

It’s kinda sad the so called “fans” are the same members from ka-boom! Forma sure. No real fans, justo real detractores.

Ninjaman January 16, 2014 - 12:37 am

I’m a big fan of Mariana! She does some great comic strips! Like this one: http://ka-boom.com.mx/kronikas/mayi/lang/en/2011/05/ver-mas-noticias/

Britta January 16, 2014 - 12:39 am

Oh lord, why is HBO giving attention to a racist artist like her? God!

Eura Dumas January 20, 2014 - 6:00 pm

She’s Mexican. Mexico does not have the same issues America does.

Jason Dahl January 16, 2014 - 10:35 am

WOW. Blackface? Really??

Eura Dumas January 20, 2014 - 6:01 pm

She’s Mexican. Mexico does not have the same issues America does. Things that are seen as racist in the USA are not necessarily considered so in Mexico. Additionally, minorities such as Mexicans cannot be considered racist in the USA. You should know this.

Jason Dahl January 21, 2014 - 5:51 pm

It is BLACKFACE. And if she doesn’t know why this is bad, then she’s as best ignorant and insensitive.

Crash May 4, 2014 - 10:30 pm

Maybe you are the ignorant relating Mexican culture, not everyone has the same problems as you, or the same view of the world, black face is racist in the US because of slavery, mexico never had that..

Dean January 16, 2014 - 12:17 am

I always liked some of Mariana’s art, too bad she will never achieve anything as long as she is living with Oscar at the UFO cult. Humberto Ramos left and became a star and the other artists that ended in DC comics have done well for themselves. I don’t see why she could not reach for the stars, too. Her health is so fragile and has not been paid in years, and on their podcast she is constantly being chastised just for being a woman by Oscar, a con artist that scams insecure people, that stalks children under the guise of mentorship…Hopefully, for her health, both mental and physical, and to finally get paid for the work she loves to do, one day she will take control of her life, abandon the cult, and find her true voice. She is the only artist with talent in the UFO cult, since the cult business is related to small time scams, we may never see her write and drawn her own book. So sad. :-(

Luis January 15, 2014 - 9:22 pm

:O OMG, this work is amazing! :D
Congratulations, it’s funny and pretty at the same time :D

Greg Leonheart January 15, 2014 - 7:33 pm

Pretty great work!!!!!!!!! Never mind the trolls, they will always be… trolls

Mariana Moreno January 15, 2014 - 9:06 pm

Thanks a lot Greg! XD Ha ha! Indeed! XP Thanks for the kind words! :3

Zirta January 15, 2014 - 2:36 pm

Cute fanarts! They actually make me want to watch the series :-D

Mariana, just one small advice: Your artist’s bio should speak BRIEFLY about yourself and your work, not about the looong story of How-I-met-my-mentor-the-Eisner-winner-and-our-amazing-resume (nobody cares, unless it’s a LinkedIn profile). It reads like shameless advertisement for your studio, and it shouldn’t – this post is only about you. Congrats!

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 12:42 pm

You Right

Norihiko Matsumoto January 15, 2014 - 1:32 pm

Congratulations, Mariana, for this recognition of your work and thank you very much to the administrators of this site to mention his career =)

By the way, I invite you to read a comic strip related to this work and comments from the trolls :D


Googins January 16, 2014 - 10:07 pm

His career? I tought Mariana was an adult woman.

Gloria Santos January 22, 2014 - 5:22 pm

He means Oscar’s career. Not Mariana’s. That’s how sad life in their studio-cult is

Matsumoto Norijoto January 17, 2014 - 9:16 am

Anda, el Nori estudia en openinglich =))

Norihiko Matsumoto January 18, 2014 - 12:00 pm

De hecho uso el traductor de Google porque mi inglés está bien oxidado XD

jason sears January 15, 2014 - 1:14 pm

congratulations mary jane!!!.your work is the hot stuff!!.and you are kicking some troll asses!! jorge.

Mariana Moreno January 15, 2014 - 2:31 pm

*giggles* Well thanks so much! n__n

Cian Gaffney January 15, 2014 - 12:06 pm

Absolutely beautiful work, Mariana, you’re a great artist.

Mariana Moreno January 15, 2014 - 2:30 pm

Thank you so much, Cian!! I’m so glad you enjoyed them, and thank you all for this showcase, I sincerely appreciate it! Warmest regards!

Lars January 15, 2014 - 10:27 am

Caray, yo no sé porqué se le presta tanta atención a una señora que dibuja copias de Disney. Yo preferiría que ahondaran en eso que estan diciendo del culto, me parece bastante curioso y hasta gracioso que exista algo asi, una secta de gente frikis de los comics en México jajajaja, como para una pelicula.

Pedro Perez January 15, 2014 - 2:59 pm

Noto cierta “ardides” en tu comentario, y si fuera copia de disney (segun tu) que te duele?? que ella la han reconocido?? cuando a leguas se ve que no es muy cretera tu “critica o comentario”
eso si es de dar risa.

Monero enmascarado January 15, 2014 - 3:38 pm

No, según él/ella no, son los personajes del rey león solo que tienen peluca. Tampoco defiendan lo indefendible.

Pedro Pérez January 15, 2014 - 7:27 pm

Acá ok ok ok ya entendí… Según “su” visión… La primer imagen es el rey León verdad?! Ok la segunda es de los abuelos de bambi verdad?? La tercera es de crepúsculo verdad? … Ha! No perdón será deeee… Mhhh… La película de los perros q jalan n trineo con Cuba gooding junior verdad! Ok ok ya nomás me falta la última imagen… Mhhh… Esteeee… Ha ya! Es de entrenando atu dragón verdad?? Ósea es cierto! Todas de Disney! Que ciego he sido el gurú me había cerrado los ojos gracias por iluminarme!!…….

Jajajajaja si es cierto esto es muuuuy divertido…

LouieGonzalezCarmona January 17, 2014 - 8:50 pm

No, no de la película de Cuba Gooding Junior…sino la de Balto, esa si la conoces, verdad?

David Mendieta January 15, 2014 - 9:18 am

I have seen the Lannister-Lion King Illustration before on the web, and I liked it. It’s very cool. In fact, a ever wished to see the other’s house pics in this same style. Thanks a lot.

BTW…What is this….A HBO-GOT topic, or a artist personal life-cult-discussion? I don’t care what she believes if she can draw this amazing ideas.

Jorge W. Moreno-Bernal January 15, 2014 - 12:38 pm

It´s just that the collective of artist where she works is object of constant internet trolling from some discontent mexican comic book geeks. They found this post, and started the trolling attacks.

It´s just a matter of not feeding the troll, and they´ll go away.

Vertebreaker January 17, 2014 - 7:19 pm

I don’t care if she can draw. XD

sergio hernandez medina January 18, 2014 - 9:26 am

architect, really?

Vertebreaker January 18, 2014 - 11:27 am

I like your name. :)

Monero enmascarado January 15, 2014 - 8:46 am

Mariana left home and school at the age of 16 by Oscar González Loyo’s suggestion, she currently lives in Kaboom!, suffers from poor health and has been operated twice due to the exploitation of which is subject.

She has never received a salary for her work under the excuse that she is a shareholder of kaboom.

Kaboom is an UFO cult, they expect the world’s destruction by an asteroid and live under the threat of the karma that awaits them if they leave this important mission.

This is not trolling, it’s a warning to those who are dazzled by Mariana’s drawings and the possibility of working in comics (in a place that has not published in decades).

David Mendieta January 15, 2014 - 9:22 am

Mr. Monero. I usually agree with you, but this time, I’ll suggest you this: pick the correct forums. This is a HBO-GOT discussion.

Pedro Perez January 15, 2014 - 9:45 am

zaz!! Mr. Monero… XD

Fernando January 19, 2014 - 1:13 am

Pedro perez?
Jajaja tonapendejo, además de carecer de gracia alguna tampoco tienes ingenio.
Agarra una pinches botellas y hasta unos lentes como los de la niña que salía en “dr slump”

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 12:51 pm

she lives as slave!

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 12:53 pm

but she draws fine for not having studies at 27 yo. Just fine

Sarah Neu January 15, 2014 - 4:21 am

Wow, this is so beautiful! I like Deanerys the most, but I can not say which of your artworks is the best. Just awesome!!

Mariana Moreno January 15, 2014 - 11:54 am

Thanks a lot, Sarah! :D I appreciate you like them n__n

Vertebreaker January 15, 2014 - 12:39 am

It’s so nice to know even a girl who is not allowed to read books with no drawings in them can use Wikipedia to get the basic info needed to succesfully draw some 1980 Disney-style animal Game of Thrones families.

Congratulations, Mariana, just don’t drink the Kool-Aid next time Oscarindo Lindo tells you the electric UFO gods will transphase in from the fourth dimension to appoint him manager of the Universe. Or drink it all, what am I, your Best Buddie?


Asd January 15, 2014 - 4:54 pm

What did you smoke?! Geez! guy! be more respectful with the lady. Why all the hate against her. Was she your girlfriend or something? did she rejected you at anytime? Live and let live. Don’t hate people for what they do with their talent, if you have more then show it! Don’t talk for other works if you don’t have the same quality level.
Also, practice your English a little more because it sucks!

Jason Dahl January 16, 2014 - 10:37 am

His english is actually better than yours. Just sayin’.

LouieGonzalezCarmona January 17, 2014 - 8:53 pm


Vertebreaker January 17, 2014 - 7:22 pm

LOL! You have no idea. XD

Vertebreaker January 18, 2014 - 11:28 am


Lalo Santiago January 14, 2014 - 9:12 pm

Wow great artwork! , congratulation, I’m your fan Mayi!, ¡Ka-Boom Estudio Rules!

Mariana Moreno January 15, 2014 - 11:55 am

LOL! Thanks so much, Lalino! XD

LuisJu January 14, 2014 - 12:09 pm

Felicidades por tu gran trabajo Mariana!, excelente!, todo lo demás que he leído de los detractores es francamente de weba, no entiendo como en un mismo medio no se entiende que si a uno le va bien a todos les va bien, mientras no tengamos la visión de hacer las cosas para que a todos les vaya bien el medio seguirá hundido en Mexico

OGL January 14, 2014 - 12:14 pm

In english, pendejo

Pedro Perez January 14, 2014 - 2:07 pm

Sorry This message is for the Mexican Trolls of Mayi and the Kabunes!

Ora bola de envidiosos!! Ya pónganse a trabajar (yo estoy en mi hora de comida jaja) pero ustedes nomas estan chifle y chifle la borrega desde tempranito… cuando, en serio CUANDO podran ustedes vivir su vida sin que Oscar o Mariana o algún otro Kabun mueva un dedo?? Ya tienen su intento de Convención llamada Apesto Comic, ya deberían estar contentos y “vivir” con esto y dejar que los Kabunes trabajen como siempre lo han hecho.. Que les da coraje? que no sepan dibujar?? que les molesta!! que ellos si? Ya por favor aprendan a reconocer a un verdadero artista! Si su trabajo es bueno y se lo reconocen en otro país y eso les molesta también??? En mi pueblo eso se llama ENVIDIA.
Huevos ( y ovarios) deberían de tener para dar la cara y decirlo de frente no esconderse en paginas y blogs para aventar la piedra y esconder la mano, inches Mexicanos de Mierda (nada mas los trolls)

So so sorry for this comment….

Kathia January 14, 2014 - 2:37 pm

A la fecha sigo sin entender como es que para los kachunes que piensan que tener o no la habilidad de dibujar les da una ventaja en el mundo cuando la triste realidad (para ellos) es que no es así. Y a pesar de ello sigan usándolo como para ofendernos cuando claramente no todos queremos ser dibujantes “profesionales” (y eso que muchos dibujamos mejor que ellos, lamentablemente para ellos).

Pedro Perez January 14, 2014 - 3:13 pm

Kathia OBVIO que el mensaje no era para ti ya que no eres artista como otros trolls que si lo son!! yo no soy de los kabunes soy un simple fan de su trabajo y su arte y por supuesto que voy a defender lo que a mio me gusta estoy en mi derecho!! asi como ustedes de criticar, (cuando sea algo coherente lo respetare) yo no los defiendo nada mas por defender (como ustedes que nada mas atacan por atacar) y tampoco soy profesional y precisamente por eso lo veo asi, nada mas alguien los defiende a los kabunes y piensan que es Oscar o alguien de ellos…
A la fecha sigo sin entender como es que para los Natha-Trolls que piensan eso y no lo entienden?
tan cerrada tienen su vision de las cosas? su odio y rencor asi les hace ver las cosas siempre? pff!!!
Y no quieras tapar el sol con un dedo, la “ventaja” como tu la llamas en este caso (el arte de Mariana) es que a ella la estan felicitando por su Interpretación en su arte de Game of thrones, que a la gente de esta pagina le gusto y nada mas por eso cuantos comentarios de Trolls hay en su contra?? osea!!! En serio mas alla de si saben o no dibujar , que afan de ustedes los trolls de querer quemar con sus palabras lo que los kabunes con sus acciones y arte los callan?

Kathia January 14, 2014 - 3:37 pm

Sólo tengo 1 palabra que decir: “karma”

Kathia January 14, 2014 - 3:37 pm

Sólo tengo 1 palabra que decir: “karma”

Pedro Perez January 15, 2014 - 8:57 am

me quitaste la palabra de mis dedos…

GERARDO January 14, 2014 - 11:34 pm

Como se ve que te lavo el cerebro chicarcas. ¿Porque lo defiendes? Ni lo conoces realmente. Siempre hay que estar en contra de un fraude como es el

Pedro Perez January 15, 2014 - 8:57 am

Iguales estimado GERARDO…Como se ve que a ti tambien te lavaron el cerebro los gantus, los nathanieles, los clements, y los demas etcs… muy a parte de eso YO te puedo decir que admiro el trabajo de ellos (tus maestros gurus de los que recibes ordenes mentales de atacar todo lo que los kabunes hacen… eso da mas mello) y se que son unos artistazos, digo creo a mi manera de ver que es mas coherente el reconocer la calidad de artistas, que atacar nada mas por atacar. En este caso se reconoce la calidad como artista a Mariana y que hacen todos ustedes?? vienen a sacar cosas que ni al caso en serio!! Y hablando neta… el Karma de Oscar son Ustedes, mas no sus acciones…


ha por cierto! SI LO CONOZCO Y HE CONVIVIDO CON EL, ES UN PERSONAJAZO Y NO ME DIGAS MARIANA ES UN SER HUMANO EXEPCIONAL, cosa que no se puede decir de “otros” artistas mexicanos, los cuales tambien conozco y no son nada amables y se creen la gran cosa (repito como artistas son muy buenos y lo reconozco) que su lado positivo esta en la vulgaridad, en el atacar a los demas, y eso a la mayoria se les hace cool y nada mas por eso apoyan el hacer lo que hacen con los Ks!

Vertebreaker January 17, 2014 - 7:26 pm

Lo que tú digas, Chuchy.

Oscar Gonzalez Loyo January 14, 2014 - 8:38 pm

Que pena tu forma de expresarte,puedes mostrar tu apoyo sin ser vulgar.

Pedro Perez January 15, 2014 - 9:53 am

Si Fueras Oscar… tomaria en cuenta tu comentario….

Tu padre January 17, 2014 - 9:24 am

“Si fueras oscar tomaria en cuenta tu comentario”. Pinche adoctrinado mas imbecil.

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 12:58 pm

Tu podrías mostrar tu apoyo a Mariana pagándole un sueldo. Y recuperándole el dinero de las operaciones que han tenido que pagar sus padres por falta de un seguro médico.

También te debería de dar pena haberla sacado de estudiar para que fuera una mala imitación de los dibujos de Disney en las caricaturas dominicales.

LouieGonzalezCarmona January 17, 2014 - 8:55 pm

A nadie le importa.

Mariana Moreno January 14, 2014 - 1:56 pm

¡Muchísimas gracias, Luis! Exacto Gracias por tus palabras n_n

Stan Stewart January 14, 2014 - 11:26 am

Congratulation!! great and nice job!!!

Mariana Moreno January 14, 2014 - 1:56 pm

Thank you so much! :D

nathaniel January 14, 2014 - 11:22 am

Mariana’s Art is amazing as the “Kabunes” They are incredible, they are the best in the artistic medium Mexican comics.

In Mexico we also, when a Mexican is successful we handle ourselves to sink, but his art speaks for itself, beyond their way of working that we do not like and do it envy them IF DEFEND THEIR IDEALS AND SHOULD KNOW DRAW, their trolls what we think of them no good at this excellent quality.

I hate the kabunes

Kathia January 14, 2014 - 1:08 pm

Hi Oscar! Who you think are you fooling?

nathaniel January 14, 2014 - 1:38 pm

sorry sometimes you have a lost sheep who thinks Oscar just do what I’m doing

You have to give their side …

OK I’m Oscar

kathia January 14, 2014 - 1:11 pm

Hi Oscar! Who you think are you fooling? Everyone knows is you!

Danny January 14, 2014 - 7:52 am

You can tell by the poor grammar of the guys who are defending the K-Boom! Cult, an english “Inglés sin Barreras”-alike and Google Translate, that are the same from the cult defending demselves (a comon practice when they are in trouble), there are no actual real fans.

K-boom! You should be grateful to your trolls, for they are the only ones who actually remember you, and remembering the world who you really are, you and your fraud leader Oscar González Loyo.

Kalpurnpiso January 14, 2014 - 12:57 am

Krushing nathaperras ignoramuses with the facts, is my game… Kalpurnpiso, my name.

Cmon, you got nothing better to do with your lives than to spend all day refreshing Oscar Gonzalez or other Ka-boom members pages to see what they are doing? What the hell is wrong with you people?


kel January 13, 2014 - 9:47 pm

I am curious who the other two dragons are besides Danerys, also is the small stag gendry?

Mariana Moreno January 14, 2014 - 8:14 am

Yup! The small stag is Gendry, the other two dragons are Viserys and Aemon Targaryen n__n

Jorge W. Moreno-Bernal January 15, 2014 - 12:42 pm

I have always thought that Joffrey Baratheon could be represented in this series by a lion cub with fake stag horns attached with a string to his head. That would be hilarious.

A wonderful work, as always. Congratulations Mariana!

Juan January 13, 2014 - 8:49 pm

Mariana, Oscar and K Studio are a professional an outstanding group of great artist, congratulations for their great job!! it’s a shame for the negatives comments without face and name and any knowledge of a positive work.

Muchacho Alegre January 13, 2014 - 9:18 pm

Such as you? oh the irony

LL January 14, 2014 - 12:21 pm

the oscar´s organization its an ufo cult. all their work its propaganda for the kids to keep them, no as clients, but believers. People this group is dangerous, humberto Ramos himself say that “Oscar is a dangerous man” we know who is this kind of guys

DyAvlis January 13, 2014 - 8:25 pm


Oscar Gonzalez Loyo January 13, 2014 - 9:23 pm

Just as you….

Scion January 14, 2014 - 12:49 am

He was going against the trolls, not against you…

LL January 14, 2014 - 12:22 pm

Scion, you are a really sucker

Juan Marcos Zavala C January 15, 2014 - 9:38 am

Wasnt Oscar just a Troll using the Oscar´s Name

Le Panze Chelere January 13, 2014 - 2:32 pm

By the way, we have the audio of Oscar asking Mariana if her brother “did naughty things to her”

jason sears January 15, 2014 - 1:14 pm

faggot!!!.do you have enough balls to stand a fight against mariana¨s friends?.i dont think so. ;)

LEPAN January 17, 2014 - 8:25 am

Well I banged your mother real hard last night

jason sears January 17, 2014 - 10:32 am

hahahaha.really?.cheers!!.so long and thanks for all the shoes. ;)

LouieGonzalezCarmona January 17, 2014 - 8:59 pm

Elementary school responses, veeeeery goood…idiot.

Vertebreaker January 17, 2014 - 7:32 pm

Hahahaha, the old “We’re gonna beat you up!” fallacy. So funny, really. Has Oscar ever been in a real fight? XD

jason sears January 17, 2014 - 10:16 pm

ask him.

Vertebreaker January 17, 2014 - 10:59 pm

Nobody cares. XD

jason sears January 17, 2014 - 11:05 pm

hahahahaha.nobody dares??.hahahaha.

sergio hernandez medina January 18, 2014 - 9:31 am

Isai? Help me from Oscar Mendiola, heeellllp!

Vertebreaker January 18, 2014 - 11:20 am

Que no te vean la cara de “What?·”, jajajaja

Isai January 18, 2014 - 11:55 am
Legionario January 18, 2014 - 1:06 pm

Oscar, Mariana chief, suggests there is an incestuous relationship between Mariana and her brother?
Why still working there?
She has no dignity?

MJ Snow January 13, 2014 - 12:57 pm

Mariana’s work is beautiful and I just love her interpretations of the GOT Houses. It would be nice if people could appreciate this talented woman’s work and just allow her to make her own life choices. Her beliefs may not be the same as mine are, but that won’t stop me from enjoying her illustrations.

Muchacho Alegre January 13, 2014 - 2:28 pm

Is not about respecting a persons beliefs, we love freedom, they don’t.
She and her boss had declared that gay people are useless and a natural mistake, that women are weak and less valuable than men, that people who has a disability should be killed because they are useless, that revolutions and evolution shouldn’t happen because “some people is born to be poor and suffer and that’s the way it must be” and so on…

LL January 13, 2014 - 4:52 pm

Mj snow i dont care if mariana draw very well (is a clone of disney anyway). Im against the cult. Mariana is part of that cult called kaboom. The leader has stolen money, its a big liar, and ask money to their cult followers

MJ Snow January 13, 2014 - 10:42 pm

I respect your opinion, but this article is about beautiful art, not the artist’s beliefs. :)

LL January 14, 2014 - 12:26 pm

sorry , if the art its a copy, im sorry so much but is no art

Asd January 15, 2014 - 5:11 pm

Then show us where exactly is that copy. If she was inspired it doesn’t necessarily it’s a copy, maybe it is based on something. Also, what really good or bad art is? You can’t answer. I recommend you to see Mona Lisa Smile, a movie that actually talks about art with a good source. You should try investigation and research before launching a rant against somebody who has proved that it’s a very dedicated and good artist. Accusing somebody for plagiarism and not sustain it with a good argument often gets you back a bad opinion like you are troll or a bully, because in my opinion, that’s what you are.

LL January 17, 2014 - 2:33 pm

In my opinion you are an ignorant, and a poor innocent, if you live in México then you know about the great plagiarism of Oscar and his work in Karmatron. Oscar copy the Brunner work. Do you want the link?? http://atinanya.blogspot.mx/2011/12/los-plagios-de-oscar-gonzalez-loyo.html
Come on little kid, how old are you? 15?wake up, im not a troll, thats is silly and simple, im a public server, Loyo its fake and his studio its a cult
If you want to keep blind about the style disney in Marianas work is your problem kid, but i recognize a copy when i see it. (check the eyes in her characters, the argument in her comics, the expressions in her draws, all the disney style studied. There is no art, there is a great and successful PLAGIARISM The last question for you If you have sisters, Would you like treat them like your girlfriends?, Well Oscar told Mariana something like that. if you think thats is correct man, you are sick. FREE MARIANA FROM THE CULT

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 1:24 pm

These are the beliefs of Mariana?
Well, she is a nasty person

Mariana Moreno January 13, 2014 - 3:30 pm

Hi, MJSnow! Thanks a lot for your kind words! I appreciate it :D I hope these guys ain’t givig you a hard time around here lol! They can get pretty nasty sometimes. Warm regards from Mexico :)

MJ Snow January 13, 2014 - 10:36 pm

I think you’ve done beautiful work and the Disney comparisons people are throwing out are a huge compliment, in my opinion. There is no better animated art than Disney’s, so keep creating beautiful art, no matter who inspires you. :)

Mariana Moreno January 14, 2014 - 8:11 am

Well thanks a lot, MJ! Ha! Actually the Disney look was totally on purpose XP My intention was to do a sort of crossover. I’m glad you enjoyed them n__n

Clam January 13, 2014 - 4:15 pm

The group she’s with are like Scientology lite. The problem is not that she isn’t talented, is that she has been brainwashed by a man who thinks women cannot be better than him.

MJ Snow January 13, 2014 - 10:36 pm

I don’t believe in bashing anyone for their beliefs, if I like the artist’s work, I don’t see any harm in complimenting her.

Kathia January 13, 2014 - 5:54 pm

You have to admit this is some kind of rip-off of Disney Style, she’s been along side with Oscar Gonzalez Loyo, a cult leader “scientology”-like who has ripped-off some artists (it’s documented) to get known in the media, and now she has learned the same way of living by doing the same.

MJ Snow January 13, 2014 - 10:41 pm

You’re giving her a huge compliment, then. There is no animated art that can top Disney’s.

Kathia January 13, 2014 - 6:00 pm

Look MJ Snow, here is a link of a blog where people worried about this issues, posts and documents all the plagiarism Oscar Gonzalez Loyo has done since the start of his career in the comics media.


It’s in spanish but just by watching the images you can compare and apreciate the plagiarism on Loyo’s work.

magegg January 13, 2014 - 8:17 pm

This has literally nothing to do with these excellent featured artworks :)

magegg January 13, 2014 - 8:17 pm

This has literally nothing to do with these excellent featured artworks :)

MJ Snow January 13, 2014 - 10:33 pm

Who cares about all that? I enjoy the pieces featured in this post. What she/they do otherwise isn’t something I really care about. Live and let live.

Oscar Gonzalez Loyo January 14, 2014 - 12:05 pm

Wow, thank god you weren’t the one standing between Hitler and the world…you suck

jason sears January 15, 2014 - 1:17 pm

the atack of the clone trolls!!.shame on you faggots and get a life!!.

kathia January 13, 2014 - 10:37 am

Oscar González Loyo FREE Mariana! (Mayi) let her go! Enough already! You did abduct her to your cult since she was barely 15! It’s been ten years of making her draw for you without rest, with lot of stress and specially without a single Paycheck!

MechaG January 13, 2014 - 7:53 am

remember when oscar gonzalez loyo head of ka-boom studio plagiarism

Frank Brunner artwork

Oscar González Loyo January 12, 2014 - 11:28 pm

Best regards and thank you for talking about Mariana’s artwork and greetings from ka-boom! Studio. https://www.facebook.com/Oscar.Gonzalez.Loyo

Mariana Moreno January 12, 2014 - 11:43 pm

Chupala pendejo!

LL January 13, 2014 - 12:15 am

we are happy to tell the people who are you mister Gonzalez Loyo, a big fake

LL January 13, 2014 - 12:15 am

we are happy to tell the people who are you mister Gonzalez Loyo, a big fake

MJ Snow January 13, 2014 - 10:40 pm

Beautiful work, I wasn’t familiar with her art before, but I’m very impressed by the style. Thank you for commenting, and I’ll be happy to check out more beautiful art. Even if people don’t see eye to eye in religious or political views, art is something that can touch people in many different ways.

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 1:31 pm

Oscar, is true that you hiding in Mexico to avoid paying royalties on this item you stole?

Mariju García January 12, 2014 - 11:25 pm

Disney style. Another standar copy. Meh.

LL January 12, 2014 - 11:07 pm

help us to rescue mariana from a cult. Come on people, you dont know about the marianas life into the “studio” . There is no hate, we are worried about her. Gonzalez Loyo ( the director of kaboom) is like Marshall Applewhite its true, the guy is dangerous

Batti January 12, 2014 - 10:11 pm

Wow!!! Look at the haters the way they’re lossing it, so pathetic and fun haha who are they anyway??

Oscar Gonzalez Loyo January 12, 2014 - 11:40 pm

Who are YOU? loser

Armando Casas January 12, 2014 - 9:10 pm

Poor Marianita, stuck in a cult… wasting her talent and her life.

I really hope one day she will open her eyes and leave the cult, just like many talented and today well-known names such as Humberto Ramos did one day.

KERU January 12, 2014 - 6:57 pm

Please people, calm down!!! If you don’t like Mariana’s Work just let it pass!! Live and let live!! I really dont care if it’s a cult or whatever it’s!! For me her art is awesome and everyone are free to belive what what they want to belive!! And copy styles?? Please, everyone have an influence, just check out how many artist have copied manga style?? Marvel style??. I mean, please give me a break!!

Maritza Campos January 12, 2014 - 8:25 pm

You don’t CARE if she’s stuck in a cult? Way to be selfish, buddy.

And I loooove her work.

magegg January 12, 2014 - 10:58 pm

Sincerely, no one cares about what you have to say about this .__. Stop putting yourself in ridicule. Move on.

Maritza Campos January 13, 2014 - 12:01 am

Apparently YOU care! :D

magegg January 13, 2014 - 8:16 pm

You just said it. Apparently.

Maritza, Try to disalienate yourself a little and focus a little less from other people’s careers. Be more professional.

You’re losing a little respect and credibility here, really. I met you in the Festo event, thought you were brilliant. Don’t smear your own image by keeping on with Televisa-level gossips. Seriously, move on.

Maritza Campos January 13, 2014 - 9:02 pm


KERU January 13, 2014 - 10:21 am

I don’t care because everyone have freewill!! And anyways she is happy doing what she likes and dont force anything on anyone!! Or she is forcing you to belive in aliens or buy the comics??? Is bad to belive in aliens and love dinosaurs?? No, right?? So let her and everyone be!!

guacho January 13, 2014 - 3:27 pm

Ay mariana no mames, esta eres tu

sergio hernandez medina January 18, 2014 - 9:36 am

ya le diste de comer a Isabel?

Mariana Moreno January 13, 2014 - 3:33 pm

Hey! Thanks a lot for the kind words! Haha! Well, actually my intention was precisely to make them look like Disney XP I’m glad you enjoyed them! And please excuse my trolls, they kinda freak out sometimes lol.

Maritza Campos January 12, 2014 - 6:38 pm

Someone get her out of that place. She’s stuck in a UFO cult. I am not kidding.

magegg January 12, 2014 - 8:18 pm

What does has to do with anything… Ah. Jealous. I know. Mature, please.

SilverS January 12, 2014 - 11:31 pm

and your ‘Inglés de diccionario’. Isn’t that a must only for cult members? Take
note: it’s ‘grow up’, mature is an adjective, you could use it as a verb in
another sentence but not in imperative form. ‘Don’t happen of lances’

magegg January 13, 2014 - 8:18 pm

Touché XD

Oscar Gonzalez Loyo January 12, 2014 - 11:42 pm

“Mature please”????? asshole!

LL January 12, 2014 - 4:37 pm

Congratulations mariana, your cult leader you taught how must to copy styles. HBO kaboom studio its a cult like Heavens gate, but in this case we have comics and space ships. Oscar gonzalez loyo its a fake. Check the web

a2ms January 12, 2014 - 4:28 pm

Very nice illustrations!

Mariana Moreno January 13, 2014 - 3:35 pm

Thanks a lot! I’m glad you enjoyed them! n__n

Todd McFarlane January 12, 2014 - 4:25 pm

That Tonatiuh Rocha is the same who called “retards” to everyone at Best Buddies?

Muchacho Alegre January 12, 2014 - 4:09 pm

Kaboom Heztudio is a cult.

Mariana Moreno and her leader, Oscar Gonzalez Loyo believe that aliens control this word, they cheer when tragedy hits poor people saying that they are “just parasites”, they hate free will and free women, they bully gay persons, as you can see they plagiarize disney and hanna barbera (and a lot of mexican artist), they make fun of people with cancer and to be a part of kaboom you must leave your family and friends.

Dee January 12, 2014 - 3:43 pm

This is fantastic! Love it!

Muchacho Alegre January 12, 2014 - 4:23 pm

Kaboom Heztudio is a cult.

Mariana Moreno and her leader, Oscar Gonzalez Loyo believe that aliens control this word, they cheer when tragedy hits poor people saying that they are “just parasites”, they hate free will and free women, they bully gay persons, as you can see they plagiarize disney and hanna barbera (and a lot of mexican artist), they make fun of people with cancer and to be a part of kaboom you must leave your family and friends.

magegg January 13, 2014 - 8:16 pm

Still draw better than you 8)

Dee January 20, 2014 - 5:19 pm

I just like the pictures I don’t know about this person but you know Adolf Hitler had beautiful artwork? He was a terrible human being but he still created some beautiful pictures. Does it excuse him? No. Does that mean that because of someone’s personality you can’t objectively appreciate talent? I just liked some pictures and you saw a chance to be hateful. Go away.

Mariana Moreno January 13, 2014 - 3:35 pm

Thanks so much! I appreciate it! n__n

Le Pan January 12, 2014 - 2:37 pm

Is it true that Oscar Gonzalez Loyo accused Mariana of being in an incestuous relationship with her brother????!!!!!
Geez, what a bunch of weirdos!

Kathia January 12, 2014 - 2:27 pm

what the f*ck is this sh*t!?

Trish January 12, 2014 - 3:11 pm

It’s the characters as their house animals?

Kathia January 12, 2014 - 3:41 pm

Oh now I see… Well still I’m not convinced, that looks like a Disney version and an awful one. Say NO to piracy!

MechaG January 12, 2014 - 2:24 pm

Oscar Gonzalez Loyo head of Ka-boom studio is a plagiarist and a schizoid

Juan G. Hernández January 12, 2014 - 2:20 pm

Ka-boom Estudio is a cult. Beware HBO!!!

Mark E. January 12, 2014 - 2:10 pm

I heard she’s in a cult, is that true?

Gloria Santos January 22, 2014 - 5:53 pm

Totally true, Mark.

Le Panze Chelere January 12, 2014 - 2:07 pm

Never heard of her, looks like a Disney plagiarist

Le Panze Chelere January 12, 2014 - 1:54 pm


Juan January 12, 2014 - 11:29 am

great job!!! draws
with personality!!…

Le Pan January 12, 2014 - 4:27 pm

Yep, with Disney’s personality

Legionario January 18, 2014 - 1:36 pm

Yep. Another Disney Clon

Mariana Moreno January 13, 2014 - 3:36 pm

Thanksies! :D


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