The latest episodes of And Just Like That…see Charlotte, Carrie and Miranda come to terms with some pretty big changes in their lives as well as the return of a highly anticipated and much-loved former flame.
The “Bomb Cyclone” that the sixth episode is named after actually refers to a snowstorm that is due to hit New York City, throwing all our ladies’ plans into disarray. Carrie has to do a reading of her book at a widows conference and Charlotte battles the elements to deliver her daughter Lily some condoms. Yes, you read that right. However, despite watching these women trudge through calf-deep snow in some of the most luxurious outfits imaginable, this episode wasn’t really that entertaining and really only accomplished two things – Miranda and Che are no more and Carrie sent an email to Aidan.
In episode 7, things take a more interesting turn. Miranda is newly single and trying to decide what her sexuality is. While at a book store and only moments after questioning what her sexuality is, she is drawn to a voice behind a curtain where she discovers voice actor Amelia Carey (Miriam Shore) reading “Pride and Prejudice.” Miranda recognises her voice as she is an Audible star and specifically reads period novels, Miranda’s favourite. Luckily for Miranda, Amelia is beautiful and stylish. Even more luckily for Miranda, when she meets her after the reading Amelia makes it immediately obvious she is interested in Miranda and a date is secured for Valentine’s Day. It’s just all a bit too easy and convenient, isn’t it? Would it have hurt if Amelia was old and unattractive but with a beautiful speaking voice? However all this just leads to Miranda going to Amelia’s apartment, dolled up to the nines for what she thinks is going to be a sexy, intimate home-cooked dinner in her apartment only to discover that Amelia is a bit of a hot mess. Her apartment is small and messy, her bed isn’t made, and the cat litter hasn’t been emptied. For the first time in the entire season, we have been shown a REAL apartment. One that isn’t beautifully curated and clean and tidy but one that is a bit of a state. When Amelia pops out to pick up her laundry, Miranda calls Carrie and decides that she can just leave. She doesn’t need to stay. While it seemed like this was showing us the ‘new Miranda’ all it did was basically shame anyone with an imperfect life. Miranda was attracted to Amelia and didn’t even give her a chance, instead immediately making a judgment and getting the hell out of there like her apartment was some kind of hell. Wake up people, this is how most people are living!
This disconnect isn’t the only one that this episode offered up. Carrie has a date with Aidan. She arrives at what she thinks is the destination for her meeting. It’s a very nondescript restaurant with small tables, dull lighting, and minimal decor. The waiting staff aren’t treating her like royalty, she is having to wait for a seemingly late Aidan. She has to charge her phone at the till. While she doesn’t outwardly say it, her reaction to this says it all. She’s too good for this place. She doesn’t like it there because it isn’t stylish, the waiters didn’t gush over her the second she arrived and Aidan wasn’t dutifully waiting for her either. Luckily for Carrie, the actual restaurant Aidan is meeting her at is next door, and it’s way more stylish and up-market. Thank goodness for Carrie eh?
Just a reminder to all reading, Aidan is the one that most Sex and the City fans believe Carrie should have ended up with. However, despite their undeniably good chemistry, Carrie cheated on Aidan with Big, and again when they dated a couple of seasons later; she couldn’t commit to him fully so they broke up again. Aidan moved on, had kids and the last time they met was in the second Sex and the City movie in Abu Dhabi, where again, they had an intimate encounter. Carrie and Aidan have always had some unfinished business and never have they been in the same place, emotionally and physically, long enough to make a relationship work. This explains Aidan’s reluctance at going in with Carrie to her apartment after their very successful date. He has doubts. But hey, to hell with doubts. The episode ends with a kiss and one can only assume that Aidan and Carrie are back on.
Snobbery aside, this episode wasn’t that great for other reasons. Again, there are pointless side stories – Lisa is trying to catch out her raging hormone of a son and his girlfriend as she thinks they are going to have sex in her bed, Charlotte is trying to encourage Rock to be a model and also accidentally eats a pot brownie and thinks she’s having a stroke. Nya has a ‘mevening’ as she faces her first Valentine’s as a divorcee. Personally, Nya is a much more interesting of a character than Lisa and each episode would be improved if the balance weighed more in Nya’s favour. It looks like Che now has a job at an animal shelter; its unclear how much we will see of them now that their relationship with Miranda is over, but I think they are as much a part of the fold as Nya and Lisa at this point.
Only two episodes left so let’s see where we go. Despite the fact it’s ridiculous and unrelatable, I am still loving every second of it. Guilty as charged.