Home » Peter Dinklage Shows Us Some Herve In Upcoming “MY DINNER WITH HERVE”

Peter Dinklage Shows Us Some Herve In Upcoming “MY DINNER WITH HERVE”

by Jef Dinsmore
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DinklageAsHerveV_pic2We don’t have a lot to say here to be truthful except that HBO Films: MY DINNER WITH HERVE has wrapped up filming a month ago and will get all polished up in post-production before we see it on air yet this year. If you don’t recall the title we reported that it is about a moment in the life of actor Hervé Villechaize to be personified by GAME OF THRONES’ Peter Dinklage.

So why a story about Herve of Fantasy Island fame al all? Well, Dinklage can only play real people of a certain stature, right? Here is what he said to HollywoodLife, “Well, as tragic as it is, that guy burned brighter than anybody else that I have ever played…or have had the privilege to play.” Many will likely watch the film because they dig Dinklage, but the reason some may watch this bio story of the diminutive French actor is to catch the story of a personality that burned bright and flamed out hard.

Dinklage also stated that – “This was the first time I have actually played someone who really existed and was a real person. So that to me was a great honor and a privilege. Getting to meet family members of his and his brother, it takes it to a whole new level when you are playing somebody who was a real person whose family, friends, and loved ones are still around. So that was everything to me.” Makes you feel as though he puts his all into the role.

Now onto the main points of this post. First, we want to share the following clip. It is a glimpse at production time on the set of MY DINNER WITH HERVE. The key word is ‘glimpse’ as it is all of 15 seconds. It peeks at our leads and shows Herve in the center of some Hollywood hullabaloo. Don’t blink!

Told you it was short. Now to the second point. HBO seems to have upped the quantity of HBO Films presentations this year. Perhaps it is intended to help fill the GAME OF THRONES void but this films all seem to stand quite strong in their own right. Normally there are only two HBO Films in a year. This year is shaping up with more, though we don’t know exactly when they fall within 2018 yet.

First is HBO Films: NOTES FROM THE FIELD coming February 24. In the wings is HBO Films: FAHRENHEIT 451 and HBO Films: PATERNO in April & May (or vice versa) and the newly added already made HBO Films: THE TALE and this one. So if they all truly appear in 2018 it will be a great year for HBO Films. We can’t wait for HBO Films: MY DINNER WITH HERVE and all the rest.

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