It looks like HBO aired yet another Game of Thrones season 2 trailer last night and this one reveals even more new scenes! They’ve been showing a lot of the same clips in these remixed trailers but rest assured, this one includes some new stuff. Sit back and relax, April 1st is so close now!
Here’s a YouTube Mirror if you’re having troubles.
We don’t mean to induce jealousy but HBOWatch will be attending an early screening of the first episode of Season 2 in Portland on March 23rd. We’ll tweet pictures from the premiere and have a full review of the episode soon after! Until then, enjoy the new trailer!
By on March 23, 2011Filed Under: Some posted over at Making Game of Thrones. They are still shots of the clmopeted CGI work on King’s Landing, Winterfell and the Wall. These babies will make for some great wallpapers. Click on each to bring up the mega-res photo.Tags: , , , | By on March 23, 2011Filed Under: Winter-Is-Coming.net is proud (more or less) to present our first ever podcast, entitled the Winter-Is-Coming.net First Annual (Maybe? I Don’t Know) Podcast! Me, Hear Me Roar, and Fire And Blood got together about a week or so ago to record this mind-blowingly awesome podcast. Ok, it’s not so mind-blowing, it’s mostly just us three rambling about the books, the show and this site. But hopefully you guys find it interesting.We hope to do one of these a year, prior to the start of each season, provided we get more seasons. Or maybe we’ll do two a year, one at the start of each season and one at the end? I don’t know. We shall see.Anyway, listen in to hear as we talk for over 90 minutes about how we found out about the books and the series, the origins of the site, reminiscing about those early days, and what we are most looking forward to in this upcoming season. Hope you like it!Tags: | By on March 23, 2011Filed Under: , The new Game of Thrones trailer that HBO debuted Sunday night prior to the Big Love finale has now been added to HBO.com. It is entitled “Power” and has quite a few new scenes, including some iconic ones. Check it out!Winter Is Coming: I know we keep saying this, but this is my favorite trailer yet. It gets the point of the show across, without hitting you over the head with too much info. And any time we can get some more Littlefinger is a good thing.Tags: | By on March 22, 2011Filed Under: A couple journalists who have been lucky enough to watch the first episode (and maybe more) of Game of Thrones have tweeted their reactions today.First was Stuart Levine, TV and film journalist for Variety magazine. In response to a question asking whether he had seen the Thrones pilot he , “Yes. Very good.”Second, Kara Warner, of MTV News, tweets her to watching Thrones:For my GoT fanatics: I have seen @ and it is all that I wanted & more. I cried, cringed, shivered, cried again.We can expect more reactions from critics to trickle out in the coming weeks as the premiere gets closer and probably even some full reviews once we get within spitting distance of April 17th.Winter Is Coming: Nice to see some positive early buzz. I know Warner is a fan of the books, so her reaction is probably good news for many of the readers of our site. I’m not sure about Levine, but I don’t think he has read the books, so his positive reaction bodes well for newcomers and helps allay the fears that the complexity of the series may be a barrier to the uninitiated.Tags: , , |
I find it a little surprising that HBO feels it needs to hype this show with all these special trailers, and featureets to get people excited for Season 2. If people end up watching all of these extra tidbits of lore and behind the scenes segments there will be no surprises when they get the DVD for their home collection later.