Home » A Game of Tweets: Exploring the World of Westeros on Twitter

A Game of Tweets: Exploring the World of Westeros on Twitter

by MJ Snow
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Do you wish you knew what all of your favorite Game of Thrones personalities were thinking and doing, every minute of every day? You can actually follow all the (fake) accounts of your beloved, and not so beloved, characters from both the HBO series Game of Thrones, and the book series upon which it was based, A Song of Ice and Fire. Accounts range from serious role players with complex story lines, to parody accounts, some of which are extremely entertaining. For those who prefer to tweet in languages other than English, there is also a huge group of Spanish role players, and we’re seeing new role play accounts starting to appear in many other languages all the time.

The number of Game of Thrones role play accounts is staggering, and more seem to be appearing every day. Whether you love all things House Stark, or you prefer the scheming of House Lannister, you’ll find just about every character represented. There are more Daenerys, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark accounts than one can shake the proverbial stick at, however characters as minor as the Tyrell “cheese boy” have accounts on twitter. Even inanimate objects demand to be heard, such as The Wall and [ahem] Theon’s penis.

Our @HBOWatch twitter account has compiled a list of many of the Westerosi Personalities on twitter, make sure to check it out and give us a follow. You can subscribe to our list and use it as a reference to follow all of the characters you love. If you play a Game of Thrones character on twitter and would like to be added to our list, follow us and send us a tweet! We’d be happy to add you!

Just like the real Westeros, “Twitteros” can be a dangerous place. The Westerosi twitter-verse is divided into a number of warring factions, which only adds to the entertainment. We’ve collected a sampling of tweets from twitter role play accounts representing many of the role play factions of twitter. Check it out, below.


Arya Stark


@Starkpup: @NamelessHound *I would only kill people who would hurt my family and friends; its justice.* Killing innocent people is wron

@Lady_Catelyn: @TheKingDireWolf Even if a thousand years had passed the wounds of my heart would still hurt

@StarkSansa: @NamelessHound i used to care about gold. i don’t any more. nor do i care about knights or princes. i only want to be safe.


Roose Bolton

Flayers of Men

@BoltonRamsay: FYI @HBO @GameOfThrones I hunt, rape and flay wenches for sport! I don’t keep whores around alive in my fucking dungeon! #GetYourShitRight

@roose_bolton_: @BoltonRamsay Would you get over me raping your mother that happened so many years ago.


Sandor Clegane


@CleganeGregor: #exesbelike Please! Don’t crush my skull! *screams*

@NamelessHound: #TwoThingsThatDontMixWell myself and fire


Jaime Lannister


@GoT_Tyrion:  This whole forced marriage thing sucks. Perhaps I should run away and join a mummers group #joustingdwarfs

@YourLordTywin: A martyred hero is merely a dead man.

@Kingslanding_: Everybody hates me but they do love my crossbow

@SerJaime: I hope you appreciate every raven I send, here. It takes a while to write while handless and possibly dying. #RightHanded #SendHelp

@Queen_Cersei: I’ll forgive my enemies but only if I can torture and kill them first.

@NiceQueenCersei: #CallMeSnobby You are poor but I’ll sleep with you anyway then marry someone richer.

@QueenCersei_: Thank you all for your concern, however, Jaime still has another hand. #WeWillGetByNicely [smiles over her shoulder at @SerRobertStrong]

@ser_bronn: Bachelor party at Chataya’s tonight. Have to celebrate Tyrion’s last night as a single man in style. #Alayaya #HowYouDoin


Petyr Baelish

Master Manipulators

@MasterofCoin: Shakes the ladder, smiling as the weaken players fall, while the rest hold on for dear life. #CarefulNow #TheNextStepUp #CouldBeYourLast

@MasterOfWhisper: Really, now. Isn’t it impolite to greet someone with, “Can I see your gash?” or “Do you really have no balls?” *sighs* #Manners


Davos Seaworth

Stannis & Company

 @HisGraceStannis: *wakes up with @TheRedWoman by his side* Good morning Westeros #ThisIsTheLife

 @TheRedWoman: #PerksOfDatingMe I can give you shadowbabies to kill your enemies (or your throne-usurping relatives).

 @ShorthandKnight: [Must. Escape. Dungeon. Must thwart @TheRedWoman’s plan to make @TheBull_Gendry s’mores.] *shakes the bars violently and yells* Your Grace!




@Ser_Pounce: imagining myself in other series and imagining how i’d kill everyone in starwars. bunch of fucking pussies

@_Drogon_: Enough already. When do I get to set grimy peasants on fire?

@TheKrakenReek: #WhatIHaveNightmaresAbout @BoltonRamsay and his blade… Mercy please my lord, no more! [Screams into the night]




@DaenerysUnburnt: @DaarioNaharis_ I want to be the last one you love..the last woman that you ever loved.

 @StableboyHodor: Hodor.

@TheBull_Gendry: Since I am now Prince Gendry, I require lots of wine, and for people to dance shirtless for me, for once. #IllStillBeShirtless

@GrennTheAurochs: #WhyICantSleepAtNight White Walkers are everywhere!

@WildlingWoman: [Shaking my head; stubborn as ever] I’m not going anywhere without you, Jon Snow. You know nothing. @JonWarriorSnow

@TheSamwellTarly: And the only girl interested in me is an inbred mutant whose husband is also father and the father of her baby. #VOWS


The Wall

The Not Quite Human

 @TheDrownedGod: “We are never ever ever getting back together…” – Show to the books

 @GoT_WALL: @MasterOfWhisper There are limits to dimensions of fear. Until one meets the unknown,terror has no boundaries, no walls to keep it contained

 @GoTothers: All is quite in the Haunted woods… I miss the scream and chaos of would-be brave men screaming and panicking in fear. #GoT


Septa Mordane

Spanish Westeros

@PetyrBaelishEsp : Juanito tenía lo que le faltó a Eddard Stark! Dos cojones|

@juegotronosplus: “El caos no es un foso, es una escalera”. Lord Baelish, UNO DE LOS MEJORES MONÓLOGOS DE LAS TRES TEMPORADAS DE #JUEGODETRONOS

@SeptaMordane: Entrar en una biblioteca en periodo de exámenes con la Trompeta de Ramsay y que empiece la fiesta.

This is only a small taste of the Game of Thrones related happenings on twitter, so make sure to follow the @HBOWatch twitter account and subscribe to our twitter list, Westeros Personalities for all the latest goings on in “Twitteros!”

MJ Snow is a Canine and avian behavior specialist by day; a role player, blogger and writer by night.  A long time George RR Martin fangirl and Game of Thrones Addict, MJ spends way too much time in Westeros. MJ is the founder of The Snow Keep, a short story and fan-ficiton blog and The Brothers Clegane, a Sandor & Gregor Clegane tribute blog, she also co-curates several other Game of Thrones themed blogs.

MJ on Twitter  Google Plus

April Murk is a self-confessed TV geek. A 40 year old stay-at-home mom, her “spare” time is filled with watching, reviewing, and sharing her favorite shows with others. Her current obsession is making dragon eggs that resemble those featured on Game of Thrones, one of her favorite series. April’s other favorite currently airing HBO shows are True Blood and Boardwalk Empire. The Wire, The Sopranos, and Six Feet Under remain on her “must watch” list. 
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Tamara Winfrey May 20, 2013 - 5:47 pm

@MasterOfCoin is probably eating lemon cakes while he shakes that ladder, and giving that creepy smile to Sansa!

Kayla May 20, 2013 - 6:13 pm

@MasterOfCoin is the best one on twitter, by far!


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