Home » HBO International: 30 COINS Gets A Second Season

HBO International: 30 COINS Gets A Second Season

by Jef Dinsmore
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I must admit I enjoyed watching 30 COINS and having the reviews of it all to myself. I can’t wait to do it all again when Season Two of the Alex de la Iglesia series comes alive again. It was not only a success in Spain, from which it hails but became a little cult show for HBO as well. In my opinion, some of the biggest hidden gems are HBO International content, which is why I continue to watch and write about them.  

By now, the second season should be in production for a 2023 airing. The season is said to pick up right after the events of Season One. Iglesia stated, “If the first season was the gathering of the storm clouds, the second will be the maelstrom preceding an epic storm.” Wow, I don’t know that premiere season was pretty wickedly devastating to the town of Pedraza and its citizens. What bigger evil can be wrought? 

30Coins_ReturningBut Iglesia walking the courtyard of Pedraza is just not enough to stir our blood for another season. So, a little clip was designed to remind us of not just one of the key players in the story, Padre Manuel Vergara (Eduard Fernández), but also the tone of the series. Take a peek if you dare.

Variety nicely reminds us of what the series is about: Season 1 of “30 Coins” was one of HBO’s biggest bets yet in Spain, enlisting an iconic filmmaker to write, direct and produce a series with an all-star cast, a large budget by Spanish standards and an international scope which saw the production shoot scenes in Spain, Italy and the U.S. It turns on ex-boxer and disgraced priest Padre Vergara, who teams with local mayor Paco and veterinarian Elena to combat the combined forces of hell and a clandestine religious organization looking to collect the 30 pieces of silver Judas was paid after turning on Jesus in his final days. The broadcaster was rewarded for their faith in the project, and “30 Coins” became one of the first Spanish series ever to be broadcast in primetime on HBO’s linear channel in the U.S. The series became a cult favorite in short order and was similarly well-received when it aired on HBO Latin America, eventually amassing a huge online following around the world. 

Yep, that is what drew me to it.  I’m looking forward to Season Two of 30 COINS. You?


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