Home » Would you go to the dentist more if they had HBO?

Would you go to the dentist more if they had HBO?

by Bill Jefferson
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I wonder what dental care was like during the era of Game of Thrones?


Probably a lot more painful than it is now, what, with our luxury novocaine and massage chairs.

But despite the improvements over the last several hundred years, dental care still isn’t a priority among most Americans.

And now, a survey completed by AreaDentist suggests that those of us regularly seeing our dentist want even more luxury while getting our teeth cleaned.

Their survey found that roughly 65% of dentists have had a patient ask them to offer Netflix as one of their amenities.

We’re assuming it’s safe to assume people are also asking for access to things like HBO while undergoing dental procedures. And here at HBOWatch, we certainly would be more likely to see our dentist regularly if it meant we could watch our favorite shows and movies while the loud noise of a cavity-removing drill hums away in our ears.

One of the most common reasons people don’t go to the dentist is because of dental anxiety. We have to imagine that it would be more likely that people could avoid the existential dread of dental care if they had an easy distraction available. And with the average dental cleaning taking about an hour, that’s plenty of time to watch at least one episode of a TV show.

Another benefit of having a TV show running is probably the prevention of awkward conversation between dentist and patient. We all know how terrible it is when a dentist asks us a question, but we’re unable to answer as our mouths are full of dental equipment. If a show is running in the background, it seems fair to assume that the conversation will probably be kept to a minimum.

It also seems like that the more features a dentist office offers, the more likely it is that patients will stick with that dentist as well as schedule regular appointments. And while an HBO subscription in the office probably won’t make us floss more between appointments, at least showing up for regular checkups has to be a step in the right direction.

It seems far more likely that in the near future, more dentists are going to offer some form of entertainment as part of their dental office amenities.

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1 comment

Gina March 31, 2019 - 8:13 pm

I can relate to this. I have the same problem at this time of the year. Guess everyone goes through this. Let’s stay strong and safe!


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