Zoey Deschanel is best known for her distinct and quirky roles in films and shows like Almost Famous (2000), 500 Days of Summer (2009), and New Girl (2011-2018). In Max’s latest production, “What Am I Eating?”, though, she’s a committed host presenting food in an educational way. So, is this myth-debunking series a hit or a miss?
So, What’s “What Am I Eating?” All About?
Max’s new show is all about exploring food education in a fun and informational way. The emphasis is placed, in particular, on science and history. Because it’s all supported by animations, illustrations, and cartoons, the show is suitable for families and pretty entertaining.
At the time of writing this review, there are six episodes available. The topics are, in order of appearance: (the truth about) fats, fruits, cereal, greens, grains, and chocolate. These don’t go into great detail about certain recommendations but plant a seed for the more curious viewers to expand their research and learn more about what we and our kids consume.
What Makes This Show Special
The first thing we should mention is: Zoey Deschanel loves to cook (she’s an expert in French dishes), but she is not cooking in this show. In fact, “What Am I Eating?” is not about her life, but rather various food topics approached by a mother who wants to learn more about what she’s giving her kids.
The goal of the show, according to its producers, is not to scare people about their food choices. Instead, they want to inspire people and give them fun ideas to watch and try with their kids. One thing is clear: Experimentation is encouraged, and there are no unredeemable mistakes. So, this is a refreshing take that many will appreciate!
Is “What Am I Eating?” Good?
As we mentioned just above, “What Am I Eating?” is not a preachy show. It’s cute, and it’s informative. So, our first impression was positive and remained positive throughout the six episodes released so far.
From what we have heard, kids have also responded really well to this show (so much so, that after watching episode six, many have affirmed they would try dark chocolate!). The animations play a big role in keeping the younger audience engaged, as there are many cartoons that explain interesting concepts (all of them baked by science, too) with a good narrative.
The show is about making good choices. There are no references to dieting or emphasis on any specific or dangerous fads. In other words, it’s a pleasant and easy watch that sheds light on some common misconceptions about food. Zoey Deschanel is also a great host, so if you liked Jess from New Girl… you will find her incredibly sweet and engaging, too.