OMG. I didn’t see a FEW things coming. Who the hell would’ve thought that Hale would end up a hero, going after crazy Man in Black, William?! And Dolores?? WHAT THE HELL? A ghost in her own world, surrounded by other ghosts? I’m gobsmacked. This finale was confusing, surprising, and violent as hell. You’ve got the Humans vs Hosts here. Who will make it out alive? Plus, what the hell is the Valley Beyond (The Sublime) and will life on Earth ever be the same for Humans?
Dolores ends up, after all of the misery and carnage of the last few years of WW, back to where it all started. The Westworld western park that intrigued us all – and it’s not a fun journey. So many people have been abused and others have abused their power and privilege. Bear with me as I try my best to navigate through the finale, it was a doozy!
Dolores (AKA Christina) was the designer of these virtual worlds. I blamed Hale the whole time for changing and creating false narratives – nope, it was Dolores/Christina. Dolores/Christina created her roommate, her nasty boss, and the paranoid guy we saw at the beginning of S4. Especially trippy was Dolores in Times Square, only for that to fade away and go back to the Westworld western theme park!
As for Hale and William – after last week’s explosive episode, I thought she was done. Turns out that Hale is alive. Sort of – after getting carefully constructed on – she wants vengeance and she wants it BAD. She’s going after William, full tilt, and ends up finding a message for her from Bernard. Sadly, this means that Bernard has passed away – he leaves her with a burning question: “This isn’t the world you wanted, but the one you created. What happens next?” I’m going to miss Bernard – he had a somewhat moral compass if a bit skewed but he tried to help in his own way.
William and Hale end up having that confrontation – both people believing that they have leveled up to smarter, better, faster and stronger versions of their previous selves – William feels he’s going to do the world a favour by killing Charlotte. She offs William first and decides it’s time to stop. Placing the pearl that belonged to Dolores into the Sublime, she walks off into the desert, her skin sheds off her frame and her head opens up, she takes that other pearl out and destroys it. Charlotte is done. Basically, the characters all end up where they originally started from – the first season, the first Western Park. Talk about chaotic, violent, distressing and painfully sad. This final episode was one long-running game – if you knew how to navigate through the extremely violent delights of Westworld, you may come out alive (or in some sort of cloned version of yourself). For those who didn’t know how to navigate these violent delights, they were often met with violent ends.
Can we talk about Clementine and Stubbs?! What the hell? After a horrible fight scene in a pharmacy (Stubbs, Caleb and C are inside) Clementine (of all people, I was totally shocked about this) stabs Stubbs in his eye (but was his pearl damaged or removed? Could this mean he’s alive?). I knew he was a goner when he and Bernard had a very remorseful goodbye scene – I knew they weren’t going to make it out alive and that was pretty sad. Caleb’s in pretty bad shape – his body is slowing down, he’s in agonizing pain but just wants to make sure his daughter makes it to safety before he succumbs to further injury.
As for Caleb, his daughter – okay we know his daughter managed to flee to safety BUT HELLO?! What about Caleb? Are y’all just going to leave this poor man deserted on that damned pier? So frustrating! And what about Maeve? I swear to God, I’ve never had such high blood pressure from watching an episode (I may be exaggerating here because I am a huge Game of Thrones fan and have had some pretty visceral reactions to certain episodes) but I would like to think that Maeve and Bernard are somewhere – in some sort of purgatory or some sort of holding place where they are alive and can come back to right the wrongs done against them. Maeve was my favourite character – if there’s a Season 5…..I will be cautiously optimistic.
That ending, though: Dolores and Christina are present – Teddy is just a ghost, made up from previous memories that Dolores hung onto. When we see Dolores, she is in her blue dress from Season 1 – do we know what’s going to happen next? Do we know who’s in charge of the narrative? Will humankind survive? Dolores/Christina is at the train station – it appears she’s waiting for Teddy. What will happen next?