You read that correctly folks. It seems the show’s music composer Nathan Barr (pictured) has been tinkering with the idea of converting TRUE BLOOD in to a musical stage show after HBO puts a final nail in the coffin of the series.
Barr, who has written the instrumental scores for the entire seven seasons of the show, let out a bit of information at a premiere event for the final season. He stated –
“This was something that I pitched to HBO and Alan Ball.”
– “The musical would revolve around protagonist, telepath and waitress Sookie Stackhouse.”
– “I think we’re really going to try to return to the roots of the show.”
– “…hopes to present a workshop version about a year from now.”
– “There are no guarantees, but I think the direction we’re heading in is really exciting.”
Stephen Moyer has assisted him in this endeavor which is no surprise considering his musical background. HBOWatch reported on his singing talents in NBC’s Sound of Music and according to the Hollywood Reporter he even assisted Barr in some actual musical samples to pitch to the executives.
It sounds hard to believe, but stranger things have happened. Merlotte’s could have singing waitresses; the Fellowship of the Sun gets a rousing number; Russell Edgington could really chew the scenery; Godric gets a scene full of pyrotechnics; Jessica gets a tap-dance number and an all-male chorus line of werewolves and vampires take the stage. The list of possibilities is endless. Maybe, someone could think of a few more for the comment section below?
Oh, wait! Maybe, Snoop Dog could make his Broadway debut.
If this ever comes to fruition you can be sure HBOWatch will tell you all about it.
Moyer should be concerned about being forever type-cast as Bill Compton. Time to stop milking the TB cash cow and let it go.
Unless of course, that’s all he has going for him post True Blood.
I think we should quickly see a number of cast members moving on to other projects. It will be interesting to see where they end up. Some may get other gigs on HBO.