Home » THE PENGUIN Series Premiere: “After Hours” | Review

THE PENGUIN Series Premiere: “After Hours” | Review

by Jef Dinsmore
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There has been a lot of buzz and quick reviews of this series already online, but I don’t rush into anything. In fact, I am way behind on Batman lore. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve even seen a Batman piece. I don’t think I even made it through the Dark Knight trilogy. Sorry, I gave up on superheroes a long time ago and it’s not just DC fare, I haven’t seen the MCU either. So, then why THE PENGUIN? 

I gravitate to it because of all the buzz plus, the fact that I like gangster sagas. I like The Godfather, BOARDWALK EMPIRE, THE SOPRANOS, Scorsese wiseguy flicks and the like. This Matt Reeves series, run by Lauren LeFranc, appeals to me on that level – the gangster wars of downtown Gotham. 

But you know what? You don’t need to watch the premiere episode that clocks in at 67 minutes. By the time you add up the Teasers, Trailers & clips promoting the show leading up to its debut you feel you have already watched the damn thing. Since the premiere, there have been seven video clips dropped including behind-the-scenes moments, inside-the-episode bits, and don’t forget the official podcast as well. Holy super overhype, Batman! 

So what can I say about “After Hours”?  Well, in true crime fashion, a lot of the nasty dealings in the world of organized crime always seem to happen after hours and this show is no exception, and organized crime never stops. The whole city may be shell-shocked after the events of The Batman played out (and no, I didn’t ThePenguin_Postersee it either), but the gangster racket seizes that chaotic time to make its moves. One week after the assassination of Carmine Falcone, a major Gotham City crime boss, Oswald “Oz” Cobb is caught by Alberto Falcone, Carmine’s son and heir-apparent, as he ransacks valuables from the Falcone lair. Cobb, (what “Cobblepot” wasn’t realistic a name for you?)  a lieutenant in the family, sees an opportunity to make a move as Alberto is just too weak an adversary to not dismiss – and dismiss he does. A premeditated strike after biding his time or an impulsive move that he can’t regret?

One other Falcone stands in his way, Carmine’s daughter Sofia played by Cristin Milioti. She is not just a punk but a one-time resident of Arkham Asylum. She is one unhinged broad and tortures Cobb for the meddling she knows he is capable of doing. Luckily for our lead character, his henchman Victor “Vic” Aguilar (Rhenzy Feliz) rigs up a clever plan to tie the other big crime clan, the Maroni family, to the death of Sofia’s brother. Having Vic by his side is important. It is not just because Cobb needs a strong and malleable body to do for him what his deformed body cannot, we need to see the human side of Oz Cobb as well. We know that there are plenty of psychotic personalities in Gotham just because of Arkham’s proximity alone, but Cobb isn’t one of them, at least not yet. The below clip reaffirms that point nicely and also answers my earlier question of whether Alberto’s murder was premeditated or impulsive, the latter being the answer.

Cobb is left off the hook as the Falcones now set to target the Maronis. The theory is that with the attention now off of him, Oz Cobb can make his moves to dominate as the two rivals take each other out. We’ll see how well that plays out. It will not be an easy road to become the kingpin of Gotham, but motivated by his mother, played by Deirdre O’Connell, backed up by the loyal Vic, and relieved, at least temporarily of all suspicion, he will lay out his best plan. Such is the way of the underbelly of Gotham after hours.

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