Last year The Newsroom took many viewers by surprise. The show shined a spotlight on how an American newsroom runs in this day and age and while some critics were thoroughly impressed others were left wanting more from a second season.
Today HBO has confirmed that the second season will air July 14th at 10PM! This is a bit of a departure from last year’s schedule where The Newsroom ran alongside True Blood. But with the latter having been reduced to ten episodes this season HBO is probably trying to align these shows in such a way as to give us some great programming all summer long.
This may disappoint some fans who would prefer their “News Night” fix sooner rather than later. Hopefully season 2 is worth the wait. But the premiere date is set in stone now at July 14th!
We’ll keep everyone up to date on all of the latest developments.
I agree Sandie. I reminds me of West Wing, which I miss dearly, but its a great show and hope it keeps running. Very fast, very current, and very very intelligent.
Great job
This is the BEST show out right now (with ‘house of lies in a close 2nd). I have been just itching to see the 2nd season of it (plus w.e comes after as well). It’s a truly outstanding show that really shows what a tv news show in reality somewhat looks like behind the scenes (but w/out the beautiful rooms & glitz or glamour of course). Jeff Daniels has always had a place in my mind as far as show business goes b/c we are both from ‘The Great Lakes’ state, & I grew up watching his work. To date I think this is some of his best work yet, can’t wait for the 2nd season but a little disappointed that it’s only 9 episodes long =/…
This is a fabulous and intelligent show. Please keep this show coming! I can’t wait to see it each week.
“COULD NOT FEEL MY FACE” LOL.. oh man… that scene where he got stoned was awesome… “Toss me the remote….. toss me the remote” hahaha… i can’t wait.
Great show. Im a clear cut Republican and this show is without a doubt left of center but it would be great to have some HONEST news on the air… something that doesn’t exist today unfortunately. Just love the show and so excited to have it back in 19 days
How many episodes of Newsroom will be aired in Season 2
Funny you should ask:
Is this date for the US only??
Love this show! Thanks for another season!
Can’t wait for this show to resume! Probably the BEST show on TV. Great truth-telling story lines and great actors make this show an intellectual as well as an enjoyable pleasure. Thank you for renewing it. There are so many STUPID reality shows that this is indeed “the pause that refreshes”. PLEASE, PLEASE, DON’T EVER TAKE IT OFF THE AIR!!!!!!
Thrilled it is coming back…Intelligent production. We are slowly breaking away from the now you see it now you don’t programming on the networks. We are confident that when Newsroom starts it will have continuity of scheduling, and we’ll be there to watch, as we do with other non-network shows.
Hbo…keep up the good work. We’re on your side
I love this show and can’t wait for season 2. It is one of the most intelligent shows on TV right now. It also has great humor and I still giggle at the episode where Jeff Daniels got stoned on brownies. lol.
No, the date of 07.14 is just about right. It gives me time to rewatch the first season at least I’d like to if I can fit it in.
I tried to re-watch those episodes, but HBO pulled them from OnDemand a month or so ago.
By the way, isn’t “714” the number on the sides of those qualludes (sp?) us old-timers took when we were youngsters?
You can watch them on “HBO Go” (link above)
Click on the 3rd box @ the top with the picture of Don
Although the episodes were pulled from On Demand, you can watch them on “HBO Go”
Click on the third box with the picture of Don and it will direct you to them
Year 1 is available for sale. Not a bad price – picked up the set of Blu-ray plus regular dvd plus computer copy.
Best show on TV. Can’t wait.