This post is not meant to negate the good news of Jeff Daniels’ Emmy win for Best Actor in a Dramatic Series nor is it meant to add great value to the ratings numbers contained herein. The intent is to mainly show the up and down struggle THE NEWSROOM has had since its debut.
Since HBO is not bound by the ratings numbers, as shows on the broadcast networks are, we here at HBOWatch don’t hold much credence to them either, but they can serve as a good barometer of an audience’s acceptance of the show. The numbers state that the Season Two Finale had
– 1.7 million watching the show at 10:00pm; after the repeat airing it was 1.9 million.
Compare that, however to the finale of the first season and you’ll notice what is important here.
– 2.3 million watched the show at 10:00pm; after the repeat airing it was 2.8 million.
It appears that fewer people watched Season Two, at least to its conclusion, than watched the Premiere Season. That, of course, makes some sense as many were curious about Aaron Sorkin’s promising new show and gave it a try. We also know from comments on this site and elsewhere that not everyone is an adamant fan of what happens at ACN and didn’t stick with the sophomore season. It has been a battle for acceptance for sure.
The latest has had Mr. Daniels declaring a third season, though nothing official from HBO has been announced and then – BOOM – a surprise upset at the Emmys to take the top actor honor away from the likes of Bryan Cranston and Kevin Spacey. All this proves a roller coaster ride for THE NEWSROOM. Now all we can do is await official word of a Season Three.
This is creative, fast paced and interesting to watch! Our family loves The Newsroom and are looking forward to season three. We are hoping for additional seasons to follow. The banter between the cast is great!
Maybe the viewing was down, because any promotion or information about the show was not available.
This is creative writing at its best. I did not have a subscription to HBO for the season 1 showing, but did have it for season 2. I purchased season 1 and have taped all the episodes which I watch frequently. The dialogue is so rich that it cannot all be absorbed by one viewing. The casting is superb and IT IS TIME HBO MADE AN ATTEMPT TO PROMOTE THIS OFFERING. I am so looking forward to season 3 and the DVD of season 2. Hurry up! I want to buy it.
Just finished watching The Newsroom’s series conclusion on HBO On Demand again … as it’s available thru Dec 9th and I’m probably going to have to wait ’til summer for season three, right?! At least I’m hoping we hear something conclusive to that end!
I am an avid fan and would be devastated if you did not have a Season Three! Do it, your fans will follow! The Newsroom is the BEST!!!!!
Just saw the news today that Aron Sorkin wants to think about season 3 before jumping in? There’s not much good television drama these days in my opinion, but The Newsroom is an exception. After 2 seasons we have seen the characters battle through corporate greed, tabloid journalism, the dangers of reporting the news from death threats at home to Africa and Egypt, the shear magnitude of the challenge of doing the news accurately in our modern information age, and a major malfunction in the Genoa story. Season 2 ended with the Newsroom 2.0 culture firmly embedded in the team culture and the journalists united both professionally and in a few cases emotionally (WIll and Mac, Sloan and Don) to rebuild their brand. I was looking forward to watching them turn that extraordinary power to inform the public into a force for some good in the country. One that restores their reputation in the wake of Genoa and sends the story line off into new directions. There is a great deal of great story to tell here and these characters deserve more time with their audience. We absolutely want them back! Come on Aron? Stick with us! Stop reading the critics. We watch the show for fun not work. Its a great show and fabulous entertainment. We need The Newsroom in todays government shutdown disfunction, debt default, waco-bird political climate. Anyone see our leaders doing anything to sacrifice for the good of the country? The Newsroom Team sure has, even if it is fiction it gives one hope.
I must say, this is by far the best show on TV. I will continue to watch it, and also, continue to reccommend it to others. I couldn’t be more excited for the third season!
I think this is in the top three shows on television today. My mother anxiously await a third season. I only wish more people would give it a chance.
SO HAPPY that The Newsroom will continue, although I thought Season1 was better than Season 2. Less slick perhaps. But I am totally caught up in the characters and story lines. Best thing on TV.
I’m reading Jedediah Purdy’s “For Common Things” and hoping that season 3 does in fact become a reality. I know the media doesn’t care for the show, but its about incredibly smart people, trying to do a very tough job, for the common good of the country. The Newsroom gives us hope that if we were all better informed we just might have a better country. Dare I say, “The greatest country in the world”. Also mysteries remain to be solved. What was Jerry Dantanna really trying to accomplish with his lawsuit. I think he’s after Will’s source because he still believes Genoa actually took place and he wants to prove it. Does WIll go to jail protecting his source? How do WIll and Mac do as a couple? How do Don and Sloan do? So many good questions? I’m hoping hard for a season 3 despite the critics.
Season 3 looks to be a go. HBO was contacted by various outlets (including us) and they said [paraphrasing] “we’re working on scheduling”. Good questions though I think Dantanna was/is just an opportunistic little beeotch who made a massive mistake, hates the US govt and is capitalizing on his own implosion. Not sure if I hate Jerry more or our legal system that allows anyone to sue anyone for anything.
Glad HBO pays no attention to the ratings. They alaways were crap anyway.