Weirdly or stubbornly not everyone gets it or understands it. So that is why public service announcements have given precise lessons on how to wash our hands (weren’t we supposed to be hygienic long before this?), distance ourselves and find ways to ease our boredom and our minds off the economic impact this whole thing will have. Every day more messages circulate from all over the spectrum. Even SESAME STREET is reaching out to kids.
Well, we didn’t want to also get on the bandwagon as this has been drummed into us (and still people don’t get it) so we are going to slap you with just one PSA here at HBOWatch and that is one from CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM’s Larry David. Speaking of stubborn people, it is part of his trademark and maybe, just maybe, he is able to reach out to those just like him out there. So, here we go –
That’s it, short and sweet in the way Larry David can deliver it. Stay at home! Those who toil 40+ hours a week crave their day off and here it the opportunity. We know, it is without pay for most of us which makes it tough, but even to Larry David, in some warped way, your health is more important.
That’s it. With HBO as our interest around here, Larry David was our go-to PSA. Hey, while you’re at it you can catch up on the wrapped Season 10 of CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM or binge the entire run if you care too. That is the lest we can do in thanks for David’s uh..words of wisdom.