Available for streaming on MAX now is the HBO Films presentation THE GREAT LILLIAN HALL; it is not a light-hearted summer flick. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth watching though, especially if you find yourself in need of a good cathartic release.
While on its surface the movie may appear to be the story of an aging actress attempting to cling to her career as time flies past her, it’s far deeper than that. It’s a brilliant portrayal of dementia and the process from that first inkling of a problem to the diagnosis and the aftermath. Jessica Lange, starring as Lillian Hall, is raw and vulnerable. Her subtle mannerisms and thoughtful choices throughout the film only further cemented her icon status.
At its core, however, I think this movie truly studies the frailty of fame and value. It illustrates how quickly all that fades when faced with undeniable humanity like age or illness. When all you’re left with is the regrets you have in life as you’re finally faced with the final act, surveying the damage before you and realizing the “accomplishments” you bled for were hardly worth the sacrifice.
“I have been a good actor. That’s it.”
A brilliant supporting cast provides Lange the chance to showcase her talents. A captivating Kathy Bates as the devoted best friend forces Lillian to look at her reality while providing some of the best quips in the movie. Lily Rabe, playing the neglected daughter desperate for her mother’s attention and affection, has the talent to make a viewer feel both pity and discomfort each time she comes on the screen. Pierce Brosnan is the attractive neighbor who seems to still notice her worth and beauty, even as everyone around her can only focus on her illness.
These kinds of movies are meant to elicit emotion and this one hit the mark. Any viewer who has witnessed the loss of a loved one to dementia can recognize the story. Watching someone who taught you how to do everything in life struggle to fold a piece of paper is a core experience for so many of us in adulthood and a reality that isn’t often portrayed in high-adrenaline-chasing media.
THE GREAT LILLIAN HALL is an HBO Films Presentation and is a film worthy of that distinction that reminds us that some films are merely meant to be art. It is a beautiful depiction of human experience and while it may not leave you with the same high you get after binging all the Fast and Furious movies, it can encourage you to reflect in a way you may not have considered without stepping out of your comfort zone.
Credits: THE GREAT LILLIAN HALL is directed by Michael Cristofer; written by Elisabeth Seldes Annacone; produced by Bruce Cohen, Steven Rogers, Scott Thigpen, and Marie Halliday; executive produced by Tom Cappello, Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Michael Cristofer, and Alex Platis; co-produced by George Scarles and Jessica Fox-Thigpen.