Tara returns to HBOWatch this time to write about another Tara! True Blood’s Tara has been a ‘love her or hate her’ kind of character on the show and with all she’s been through it’s hard to imagine the show without her! recently on the show she’s been debating whether or not Bon Temps is the right place for her. Our Tara takes a look at some of the reasons the show might need her to stick around.
Who will make Lafayette feel better about his life more than Tara? No matter if she becomes a ghost or a vampire or miraculously survives the shot to the head, her life has been the worst out of everyone’s, hands down. Plus, Tara and Lafayette’s chemistry as cousins is a highlight of the show, right from the pilot episode, when Lafayette finds out Tara is working at Merlotte’s, we know as viewers that these two are going to be a handful together.
Who will Sam go to when he hates the world? If Tara doesn’t make it Sam won’t have anyone to talk to that understands. Sam has been on a quest for someone to understand him. Yes, Tara did run as soon as Sam confessed he was a shape shifter, but I have a feeling that if Tara becomes a vampire, ghost or lives through this she will have a new outlook on life. He got shot down by Sookie, betrayed by Daphne, used by his parents, Tommy literally embodied him for his own complicated purposes, and his relationship with Luna has been one obstacle after another.
Who will remind Sookie of all the crap Bill and Eric have put her through? Tara has always had Sookie’s back and fought for her when no one else seemed to care for her well being. Sookie has a big heart, which has been broken countless times, either by bullying, people’s thoughts, and Bill and Eric. She kicked Bill out of the truck when he drained Sookie dry, she let amnesiac Eric know exactly what he had done to Sookie in the past and Sookie some times needs to be reminded who her true friends are.
Who will Sookie save when she isn’t the damsel in distress? The one person Sookie has counted on her whole life besides, her grandmother, is Tara. They each have each other’s back when push comes to shove. Both women are strong, feisty, complicated women who have bonded over their messed up childhoods and that bond has stayed intact through adulthood. It will be a loss to the series for Sookie to lose that bond. Because that is truly the only bond she has that wasn’t forged because of blood.
Find out what happens to Tara and the rest of the gang when True Blood Season 5 airs this Summer.
I agree, sad how this got one comment…and all it is of Tara hate. =(
Tara is awful. By far the worst character on the show. I hope she stays dead. True Blood can only be improved by her absence.
Also, this: http://awesomelyshitty.wordpress.com/2011/08/12/how-to-save-true-blood-bonus-true-blood-drinking-game/
How is she the worst? All because she’s one of the realest characters on there? Did you even read the article to voice a fair criticism on her? Or you just hate her because of all the other poor excuses everyone else hate her for?