Last night HBO dropped a ton of new trailers on us. But most shocking to maybe some of our less informed viewers was a teaser for the new HBO crime series TRUE DETECTIVE. We’ve been updating our readers about the series since last year but only now do we finally get a glimpsed of the fast-tracked series. Take a look for yourself:
UPDATE: HBO has kindly asked us to remove this video and we, of course have complied. We hope the OFFICIAL version makes its way to the internet soon. Apologies to HBO and to our readers.
UPDATE 2: We can confirm that the digital version of this trailer will drop THIS FRIDAY! Sorry for the confusion on this.
UPDATE 3: It’s up! And the official version no less:
At first we honestly thought this was just another promo for True Blood Season 6, right? I mean the bayou, the fonts, the music even. But no this is the first VERY brief glimmer from HBO’s next crime series starring Matthew Mcconaughey and Woody Harrelson! It did confirm for us that the series won’t be appearing until 2014, a date that makes a ton of sense given HBO’s very full fall schedule that includes Boardwalk Empire, Eastbound and Down, Hello Ladies and even The Newsroom trickling into September.
We’ll keep you posted with all the latest, as always but we’re extremely excited about this one. Will it be a new THE WIRE for HBO, the last crime series to hit their premium airwaves? With the star power behind TRUE DETECTIVE we can imagine great things coming your way in 2014.
I’m surprised that they got these two actors to do TV. I’m glad though
it’s not TV It’s HBO! :-D
I bet this show is gonna be great! Great cast! Cant wait!
I can’t wait! The trailer really seems to show Matthew and Woody in a different light – very intriguing plus I love the fact they have some of my favorite actors from other HBO shows like Davi Jay from Treme and Michael Potts from The Wire – HBO seems like a family – they seem to take care of their actors and give the a chance to appear in other projects – I love HBO’s line up of shows and actors!
YES!!! I m so glad this series is going to happen – did not know about it although I m an avid fAn of Game of thrones -!treme – I can t believe it s the
Last season :(((- and of course TRUE BLOOD …’loved Sopranos – goodbye Tony – you rocked…
Love the setting : bayou- swamp- love mysteries in that setting- HBO – don t make us wait –
Matt and Woody w hair !!! Yea!!!
UPDATED with the trailer. Sorry for the delay/confusion on this. I’m as baffled as you are. It’s up now, though.
I barely recognized Matthew McConaughey!
HBO Deleted all the videos on youtube
but here’s the video on Dailymoution
That was a very effective Teaser. As one who has been tracking this series I liked the cast connected and now I can add that I liked the tone this series will seem to set. I wached it three times.
I would rather see it sooner than later so I hope it takes LUCK’s place in January of 2014.
Heh, yeah I didn’t want to speculate too much but on our schedule page I put “Q1?” VERY likely that’s where it will fall. Give us something to help us through the long winter, HBO! Can’t leave us without a series drama from Dec-Late March every year! Perfect show to fit in there, I think. High hopes for this one.
Maybe, it is time to start a speculation post for 2014.
For example, we will have to gauge what happens with TRUE BLOOD this season and wonder if it will appear this time next year, plus we know a timeframe will be open next fall upon TREME’s exit.
Plus, we know HBO is getting into limited series with CRIMINAL JUSTICE somewhere on the schedule. Hmmm? Interesting indeed.