Home » HBO Watch Gets a Facelift

HBO Watch Gets a Facelift

by Jacob Klein
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HBO-GameofThrones-TrueBlood-150x1501Fellow HBO Fans,

This week HBO Watch underwent the biggest transformation in its sordid history.  Here’s the old site for reference.  For almost two years now myself and the writers here at HBO Watch have brought you all of the breaking news, premiere dates, episode reviews and thoughtful commentary on all of your favorite shows including Game of Thrones, True Blood, and more recently The Newsroom, Girls and Veep.  We also continue to be one of, if not the only place on the internet (or anywhere, really) producing original articles on not just HBO’s big-budget projects but also their often unsung offerings such as Treme, HBO Documentaries and yes even Tales from the Crypt when the mood strikes us.

Because we want to continue offering our readership the most original and informative HBO content we decided that our original blog theme (ca. 2002) just wasn’t presenting our articles in the spotlight they deserved.  Like the fat kid with glasses on Kenny Powers’ baseball team: it needed to be cut.

The new site design you are enjoying now is the result of several weeks of hemming and hawing, tinkering and hair pulling.  But today I am proud to announce that the new design is finally live!  We haven’t worked out all of the kinks just yet and that is part of the reason I am writing this post now.  Here are some of the new features you’ll be enjoying:

-Tons of Featured Articles on the Homepage
-Support for all Mobile Devices
-Informative Thumbnails on all Posts
-More HBO Series’ in Navigation
-A Modern ‘Magazine-Style’ Design
-More Readable Articles (Previous Theme was Light text on Dark)
And Much More Under the Hood…

We have, of course, done our initial testing on all of the most common web browsers and mobile devices but I would be lying if I told you we’ve been able to check them all.  This is where you can help!

If, while reading our mind blowing articles you stumble upon a bug or rendering issue please do contact us by leaving a comment here, below.  Be sure to include which browser and device you are viewing the page on including versions if you can.  We would be most grateful.  In fact we’re so excited about our new diggs that we’re willing to send a copy of the sparkly-new [amazon_link id=”0345538544″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Lands of Ice and Fire book[/amazon_link] out to anyone able to find a major bug with the new design and better yet- helps to remedy the situation!

We’re also open to design suggestions, gripes, and recommendations.  Want to redesign our logo?  Send it on over or post it in a comment below!  We are a community by the people and for the people (groan, I know).  All of our writers are former HBO Watch readers who had the courage to voice their deepest most thoughts on their favorite HBO series.  If you’d like to be a part of the movement you can also apply to write for us.

HBO Watch continues to grow month after month.  Your comments, plus onesFacebook likes and retweets give us the energy we need to keep creating amazing, original content for HBO fans to enjoy all around the world.

So thank you HBO Watch readers! Have a look around and come back to tell us what you think.

Here’s to another two years.



Jacob Klein
Founder/Editor in Chief

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Monique Jacobs November 12, 2012 - 11:02 am

Awesome job, friendlies! Adore >>> ∞


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